1: Basic Genetics and Research   2: Learn about DNA Testing   3: DNA Test Results (FMP)   4: Research Tools   5: Adoption and DNA   6: Help with Questions   7: Manage Account, Profile, Settings (FMP)   FMP Project 7                     Translation Tips    Music      Print Friendly and PDF

Project 7: DNA

Goal 6: Manage DNA Accounts, Profiles, and Settings

Goal 6: Manage DNA accounts, profiles, and settings.

To access these options, first log in to your Living DNA account (DNA in the top menu).


AEdit your Living DNA profile settings.

  1. In the Dashboard screen (first link in the left pane) click Edit profile (upper right). You can use the right arrows to change any values listed in the Details area:
    • Name
    • Display Name—Shown to your match persons
    • Identity—You, a child under 18, or someone else using this profile
    • Biological sex
    • Date of birth
    • Birthplace
  2. In the Permissions area, you can use the right arrows to change any of these values:
    • Manager—Invite another Living DNA user to co-manage your DNA profile. To do this, specify the user's email and click Save.
    • Research—Select whether to participate in Living DNA Global Research projects.
    • Matching—Opt in or out of Family Matching.
  3. To see additional profiles, if any, in the left pane click DNA Profiles. The DNA Profiles screen shows info for each profile. In this screen you can upload a DNA file, activate a DNA kit, download DNA data for the profile, or add a new profile.

BUpdate your account settings.

  1. To change your user settings, in the left pane click Account.
  2. In "Details" you can click the arrows and set your Name, Email address, and Password.
  3. In "Email settings" you can opt in or out of marketing programs.
  4. In "Your data privacy" you can learn how to permanently delete your account.
  5. You can also use the FAQ links at the bottom of the page.