1: PC Apps   2: Mac Apps   3: Google Apps   4: Learn Social Media   5: Social Media for Genealogy   6: Genealogy Software   7: Create and Upload a Family Tree   8: Learn about Artificial Intelligence   FS Project 7                      Translation Tips    Music      Print Friendly and PDF

Project 7: Technology

Goal 5: Use social media in your genealogy.

Goal 5: Use social media to further your family history work.


There are many social media tools you can use to communicate with others and share your progress and accomplishments. To learn the basics of several social media tools, see Goal 4.

To learn about using social media for family history, watch this video.

To learn how hashtags can be used on social media platforms to find information, read this article.


AUse Google.

Note: Basic Google searches are covered in Project 4: Discover, Goal 4, Choice C.

  1. Watch this series of videos on how to use Google effectively:

    Part One—10:38 - 2011
    Part Two—9:13 - 2011
    Part Three—7:11 - 2011
    Part Four—6:57 - 2011
    Part Five—9:28 - 2011
    Tips and Tricks—9:15

  2. Learn more about using Google tools for your genealogy.

    BYU: Getting the Rest of the Gold; Google Goldmine for Genealogists—60:44 - 2019   

  3. Google Photos: See Choice F in Goal 1 of Project 2: Memories for tips about learning and using the Google Photos app for family history.

  4. Google eBooks: Watch this video or read the article on using free Google eBooks for your family history.

    LLC—Free Google eBooks for Genealogy—3:21 - 2016

    LT—Google Books: An Untapped Genealogy Resource

Google Earth
  1. Learn about using Google Earth for family history.

    AR—Flying to the Past With Google Earth - 2013
    RT—Google for Genealogists: Maps, Satellite, and Earth - 2019

  2. Watch this video for additional ideas.

    LLC—Ways to Use Google Earth for Genealogy and Family History—61:28 - 2020

BUse YouTube.

  1. Use these resources to help with using YouTube videos for your family history.

    FS—Getting Started to YouTube Your Family History - 2014
    FS—YouTube Your Family History—44:43 - 2012

  2. Learn more about YouTube and genealogy.

    YouTube and Genealogy: A Visual Library of Learning and Family Bonding - 2019

  3. Use YouTube to take tours of homelands and other genealogy locations.

    FTA—Tour Your Ancestral Hometowns with YouTube - 2023

  4. Channels: Here is a sample list of YouTube channels with helpful videos on family history:

CUse Facebook.

  1. Introduction: Get started using Facebook.

    Getting Started with Facebook

  2. Read this article for ideas on using Facebook for your family history.

    FS—Facebook is Family History - 2014

  3. Access these Facebook articles on the FamilySearch Wiki. The first is an overview of using Facebook for genealogy; the second discusses research groups on Facebook.

    FS—Facebook Genealogy
    FS—Genealogy Help on Facebook

  4. Access the Ancestry page on Facebook. For an overview of the Ancestry Facebook page features, watch this video.

    AC—Ancestry Facebook Page—8:00 - 2012

  5. Groups: Learn how to create a Facebook group for genealogy.

    BYU—Creating a Facebook Group—13:35 - 2014

    RT—How to Create a Facebook Group as a Genealogist - 2017

  6. Learn how to maintain a Facebook group for genealogy.

    RT—How to Maintain a Facebook Group as a Genealogist - 2018

  7. Resources: Reach out to your Facebook friends and collaborate with your family history projects and questions.
  8. Use the Genealogy on Facebook file to search for Facebook pages related to family history, or watch this video for ways to find Facebook groups.

    RT—Crowdsourcing Your Brick Walls, Part 2—13:51 - 2021   

DUse Twitter.

  1. Introduction: Use this Twitter tutorial from Lifewire.

    Learn How to Use Twitter in 15 Minutes - 2021

  2. Read this article for ideas on using Twitter for your family history.

    FS—What Your Grandchildren Wish You Would Have Tweeted - 2014

  3. Watch this Ancestry video for ideas on using Twitter in genealogy.

    AC—Twitter for Genealogy—30:00 - 2014

  4. Benefits: Learn about the benefits of using Twitter with family history.

    AR—Twitter and Today's Genealogist - 2013

  5. Learn about using Mastodon, a Twitter alternative, for genealogy.

    AC—Twitter for Genealogy—57:33 - 2023

EUse Pinterest.

  1. Introduction: Read these articles to learn how to use Pinterest with family history.

    FS—The Power of Pinterest for Family History - 2014
    FS—Can You Use Pinterest for Genealogy? - 2012

  2. Learn more about Pinterest and family history in this article.

    RT—Using Pinterest to Boost Your Genealogy Research - 2019

  3. To learn more about Pinterest, you can use this set of tutorial lessons.

    Tutorial: Pinterest

  4. Partner Pages: Explore Pinterest pages for Partners:
  5. Learn how to build an ancestor timeline on Pinterest.

    BYU—Ancestor Timeline on Pinterest—8:48 - 2014

  6. Learn about the benefits of using Pinterest with family history.

    AR—Pinning Down Your Family History - 2013
    FHD—Why You Should Start Using Pinterest for Genealogy Right Now (and How to Do It)

FUse Instagram.

  1. Introduction: Get started with the Instagram tutorials on GCFLearnFree.
  2. Learn how to use Instagram with family history.

    FS—3 Ways to Use Instagram for Family History - 2019
    BYU—Instagram—12:50 - 2015

  3. Tips: Here are some additional tips for using Instagram with family history.

    FS—3 Ways to Use Instagram for Genealogy
    FS—4 Tips for Using Instagram in Your Family History Research