1: PC Apps   2: Mac Apps   3: Google Apps   4: Learn Social Media   5: Social Media for Genealogy   6: Genealogy Software   7: Create and Upload a Family Tree   8: Learn about Artificial Intelligence   FS Project 7                      Translation Tips    Music      Print Friendly and PDF

Project 7: Technology

Goal 6: Genealogy Software

Goal 6: (Optional) Choose a genealogy software program to manage your personal family history data.

Using a genealogy software program helps you control and prepare data before sharing it on a public site such as FamilySearch or Ancestry. These programs can synchronize your data with online trees and produce a variety of useful reports about ancestors. For information about choosing genealogy software, see these resources:


AInvestigate RootsMagic.

  1. Download the free RootsMagic Essentials program.
  2. To compare features between it and the full RootsMagic version, click here.
  3. To see RootsMagic documentation, click here.

BInvestigate Legacy Family Tree.

  1. Download the free Standard Version of Legacy Family Tree.
  2. Learn about the features of the standard version or the full version.
  3. For training summaries on Legacy Family Tree, see the these Legacy Family Tree training links.

CInvestigate Ancestral Quest.

  1. Download the free Ancestral Quest Basics program.
  2. To compare features between it and the full Ancestral Quest version, click here.
  3. For more information about Ancestral Quest, see this link.