1: Research   2: Vital Records   3: Census   4: Church, Cemetery   5: Emigration and Immigration   6: Land and Property   7: Military Records   8: Maps and Gazetteers   9: Newspapers   10: Archives and Libraries   11: Geo/Culture/History   12: Get Help               Tracker     KB-Intl.    Translation Tips    Music      Print Friendly and PDF


Goal 2: Vital Records

[ Alberta   British Columbia   Manitoba   New Brunswick   Newfoundland   Nova Scotia   Ontario   Prince Edward Island   Quebec   Saskatchewan ]

Partners and Sites:   FamilySearch   Ancestry   MyHeritage  |  Websites:   FS Wiki   GenealogyLinks

Goal 2: Learn about Canada vital records.


ALearn about Canada vital records.

  1. FamilySearch: Learn about Canada Vital Records in this FamilySearch Wiki article.

    FS—Wiki: Canada Vital Records   

  2. Provincial Resources: Learn about civil registration records available in Canadian provinces.

    Civil Registration

  3. Statistics: Learn about vital statistics for birth, marriage, and death records in this article.

    Vital Statistics: Births, Marriages and Deaths

BLearn about alternatives to vital records.

  1. - Adoption: Explore Canadian adoption records on the Origins Canada site.
  2. Divorce: Learn about divorce records in Canada.

    Divorce Records

  3. Learn how to find Canadian divorce records by province.

CExplore BMD (Birth, Marriage, Death) records.

  1. Search Tips: Get tips on searching for birth, marriage, and death records.

    How to Search for Birth, Marriage and Death Records - 2012

  2. - BMD Records: Use the Birth, Deaths, and Marriages Exchange on the Olive Tree Genealogy site. Scroll down to see BMD records for particular counties.
  3. Death Records: Access Canadian death records on the AncestorAtRest site. Scroll down to see records for eastern provinces.
  4. - Death Indexes: Find Canadian online death indexes at DeathIndexes.com.
  5. - Obituaries: Explore the Canadian Obits site for obituaries and death records in Canada.
  6. Find additional obituary resources in the Vancouver Public Library site.


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