1: Research   2: Vital Records   3: Census   4: Church, Cemetery   5: Emigration and Immigration   6: Land and Property   7: Military Records   8: Maps and Gazetteers   9: Newspapers   10: Archives and Libraries   11: Geo/Culture/History   12: Get Help               Tracker     KB-Intl.    Translation Tips    Music      Print Friendly and PDF


Goal 9: Newspapers

[ Alberta   British Columbia   Manitoba   New Brunswick   Newfoundland   Nova Scotia   Ontario   Prince Edward Island   Quebec   Saskatchewan ]

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Goal 9: Learn about Canada newspapers.


ALearn about Canada newspapers.

  1. FamilySearch: Learn about Canada newspapers in this FamilySearch Wiki article.

    FS—Wiki: Canada Newspapers
      Nationwide Newspapers
      Newspapers (about)
      Online Resources
      Births, Marriages, and Obituaries

BExplore Canada newspapers.

  1. - Browse the collection of Canadian periodicals, annuals, and newspapers in the Canadiana database.
  2. Explore historical Canadian newspapers in the Ancestor Hunt site.
  3. Search Canadian newspapers in the onlinenewspapers.com site.
  4. Search Canadian newspapers in the newspapers.com site.
  5. Search Canadian newspapers in the Library and Archives, Canada site.
  6. Search Canadian newspapers in the ABYZ News Links site.
  7. Find links to multi-province Canada newspapers on the Wikipedia site.