1: Research   2: Archives and Libraries   3: Civil Registration   4: Church and Cemetery Records   5: Emigration and Immigration   6: Military Records   7: Maps and Gazetteers   8: Newspapers   9: Geo/Culture/History   10: Get Help               Tracker     KB-Intl.    Translation Tips    Music      Print Friendly and PDF


Goal 2: Archives and Libraries


Partners and Sites:   FamilySearch   Ancestry   MyHeritage  |  Websites:   FS Wiki   GenealogyLinks

France Provinces

Goal 2: Learn about France archives and libraries.



ALearn about France archives and libraries.

  1. FamilySearch: Learn about French archives and libraries in this FamilySearch Wiki article. See also the Miscellaneous Archives and Libraries section of the article.

    FS—Wiki: France Archives and Libraries

  2. Resources: Learn about selected French archives and libraries in the French Genealogy Blog.
  3. Find out about resources in French archives in these Legacy Tree articles.

    LT—Guide to French Genealogy & Family History Resources
    LT—Inside the French National Archives

  4. Learn more about archives and libraries in France.

    RT—French Ancestors? There Is More Than the Civil Status! Part 1 of 2—15:24 - 2021

    RT—French Genealogy: The Archives Départementales are Free Online—14:35 - 2021

  5. Municipal Archives: Learn about resources available in municipal and town archives.

    Municipal Archives

  6. Department Archives: Watch this video to learn about using Department Archives in France.

    FS—France Research With the Wiki Part 4 of 8: Using France Department Archives Online—6:00

  7. Learn about French court records.

    FS—Court Archives

  8. Learn about land registry records, which contain maps and information on taxes and houses.

    The Land Registry

  1. Books: Explore the Books We Own site for books that can be checked out or researched for you by others.
  2. Search for free online books on France research on the FamilySearch site.

BExplore France archives and libraries.

  1. Explore the Archives Portal Europe site.
  2. Explore the Guide to Genealogy site for archive links.
