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Goal 4: Church and Cemetery Records


Partners and Sites:   FamilySearch   Ancestry   MyHeritage  |  Websites:   FS Wiki   GenealogyLinks

France Provinces

Goal 4: Learn about French church, religious, and cemetery records.


ALearn about France church records.

  1. Basics: Learn about France church records in this FamilySearch Wiki article. See also the Search Strategies section of the article.

    FS—Wiki: France Church Records

  2. Get an introduction to French parish registers for research.

    Parish registers: baptism, marriage and burial

  3. Learn how to trace ancestors with Protestant church records.

    RT—French Ancestors? There Is More Than the Civil Status! Part 2 of 2—17:15 - 2021

    Genealogy of Protestants

  4. Watch this video for tips on using French church records in your research.

    RT—Using French Church Records—19:58 - 2021

  5. Case Study: Watch this case study video about using church records in France.

    FS—France Research With the Wiki Part 7 of 8: A French Case Study: Church Records—5:54

  1. Huguenots: Explore French Huguenot resources in this website.
  2. Jewish: Explore Jewish genealogy in France in this guide from the Center for Jewish History site.
  3. Explore the JewishGen France database.
  4. Explore the Jewish Genealogy Encyclopedia for Jewish resources in France.

  Record Search Practice  |   Hints  |   Answers


BExplore France cemetery records.

  1. Explore the National Cemeteries Inventory site.
  2. Search the Find A Grave site for cemetery records.
  3. Search the BillionGraves site for cemetery records.
  4. Learn how to find Paris cemetery records.

    Paris Cemetery Records Online