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Introduction to Research

Learn effective principles of research and find the records you need.

Research with The Family History Guide

To get an overview of the research tools available in The Family History Guide, watch this video.


Introducing the Research Projects

The Research Projects in The Family History Guide are designed both for beginners and for more experienced researchers. They are labeled as Project 4 in the FamilySearch, Ancestry, MyHeritage, and Findmypast menus, and they are included as links below for your convenience.

Each of these Projects guides you from basic to more advanced research concepts, and there are customized tips for the research platform you are using. It's recommended that you become familiar with at least the basics or research before searching for records in various locations.

Research Around the World

The Family History Guide has a wide variety of country, state, province, and county pages. To find the locations you need, select a region and country in the Countries menu, or use the All Countries page.


The Family History Guide has two knowledgebases: one for general and United States research, and the other for various countries. Each knowledgebase has an alphabetical index to research topics, with lists of items you can explore.

Ethnic Research

At the bottom of the Countries menu, you can find helpful resources for doing ethnic research. The ethnic groups included are African American, Asian, Basque, Hispanic, Jewish, and Native American.