1: Basic Genetics and Research   2: Learn about DNA Testing   3: Take a DNA Test (AN)   4: DNA Matching (AN)   5: More about Matching (AN)   6: More with Test Results (AN)   7: DNA Research Tools   8: Adoption and DNA   9: Help with Questions   10: Test Settings (AN)   AC Project 7              Translation Tips    Music      Print Friendly and PDF

Project 7: DNA

Goal 1: Basic Genetics and Research

Goal 1: Learn about basic genetics and DNA research. Vault

DNA testing can provide you with some interesting and unexpected clues about your ancestry and ethnicity.


(See the Part 2 video in Goal 2.)


A Get an introduction to genetics for family history.

  1. Learn about the basics of DNA and the benefits of DNA testing.

    FS—DNA testing: What is it, and how can you benefit from it?

  2. Read this article for an overview of genetics and genealogy.

    FS: Genetic Genealogy: An Introduction to DNA

  3. Watch this video for an introduction to genetic genealogy.

    Genetic Genealogy for Beginners, Part 1—11:31 - 2015   

  4. Learn the basics of chromosomes and inheritance on the Learn Genetics site at the Univ. of Utah. There is a series of helpful animations and videos on the site.

B Learn the basics of DNA research for family history.

  1. Explore lessons in the Beginner's Guide to Genetic Genealogy.

  2. Get an introduction to DNA and family history.

    How to Get Started Using DNA Research—8:17 - 2015

    DNA for Beginners—52:22 - 2014   

  3. Learn about the emotional side of DNA testing and results.

    RT—Healing and Family History: The Emotional Side of DNA

  4. Explore the AccessGenealogy.com site for an introduction to DNA research.
  5. Glossary: Explore these glossaries and of DNA terms.

    A Genetic Genealogy Glossary - 2017
    ISOGG Genetics Glossary

  6. FAQs: Here is a list of FAQs for DNA tests.

    FMP—11 Questions Everyone Asks about DNA Tests - 2019

  7. Learn about tracing ancestors in the 1700s with DNA test results.

    RT—Tracing Ancestral Lines in the 1700s Using DNA, Part 1—20:06 - 2021   

    RT—Tracing Ancestral Lines in the 1700s Using DNA, Part 2—38:18 - 2021

  8. Here's an example of using the free Airtable tool to create detailed logs and notes for DNA research.

CLearn more about DNA research.

  1. Learn how to find ancestors and unknown relatives through DNA research.

    RT—Finding Ancestors through DNA—10:46 - 2021

    FS—Using DNA to Find Unknown Parents—15:20 - 2021

  2. Learn how to integrate DNA results into your family tree.

    BYU—Integrating DNA Results into Your Own Family Tree—51:58 - 2021

  3. Watch these videos for an insider's look at the research process.

    AAC—DNA 101: An Insider's Scoop—52:43 (video series)

  4. Learn how to break through research brick walls with DNA research.

    RT—DNA Brick Walls—17:43 - 2021   

  5. Learn about molecular genealogy in this video series.

    Introduction to Molecular Genealogy

  6. Explore the ISOGG (International Society of Genetic Genealogists) website for help resources.
  7. Results: For more information on using DNA results for family history, see these YouTube videos.