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Latter-day Saint Topics

Goal 9: Family Home Evening Activities

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Goal 9: Design Family Home Evening and other activities around family history.


A Select Goals from The Family History Guide to work on as a family.

Each Family Home Evening session that deals with family history should ideally have a mix of inspirational messages and hands-on activities.

  1. Examine Projects 1–3 and choose the Goals to work on. Families with older or no children can also use Goals from Projects 5-9.
  2. Use the Online Tracker or Tracker-Word (see the Misc. menu above) to monitor your progress with the Goals.
  3. If your family has younger children, explore the activities in the Children's Activities page.
  4. Try a "family tree gathering"—a meeting of family members to discuss and work on family history. Read this article for ideas.

    LDS—What's a Family Tree Gathering?

B Use inspirational stories and quotes in your lessons and activities.

    inspirational stories
  1. Refer to Goal 8 in this Project for quotes, articles, and videos to use for adults and youth.
  2. For children, use items from the following list:

C Enjoy other family-history-related activities.

  1. Explore the Activities pages in The Family History Guide:
  2. Try games and activities from the FamilySearch Solutions Gallery, such as:
  3. Explore the Ideas for Family History Fun! Facebook page for additional Family Home Evening resources.