1: Get Organized   2: Learn the Basics   3: Form a Strategy   4: FMP Search Menus   5: Develop Search Skills   6: Solve Problems   7: Family History Trip   8: Descendants   9: Reading Handwriting   FMP Project 4              Translation Tips    Music      Print Friendly and PDF

Project 4: Research

Goal 4: Findmypast Research Menus

Goal 4: Use the Findmypast Search menus to find ancestor information.

This Goal helps you use Search menus to find records and then analyze the results that are returned.


ASearch all records.

  1. Click the Search menu. The World Records screen appears.
  2. Type the first name and last name you're searching for. If you want to include name variations in the search, check the corresponding box(es). Note : The remaining search fields are optional but may increase the chances of a successful search.
  3. In the "When" fields, type the year that the person might appear in records, the year of birth, and the year of death. To allow for a range of dates, click "Give or take" and select a value from the list..
  4. In the "Where" section, click "World" and select a place from the list; or type the location in the space provided.
  5. To narrow the search to one or more categories,
    a) Click "Browse Category";
    b) Select categories of interest from the list; and
    c) Click Apply filters. The selected categories appear on the search screen and can be removed if necessary by clicking the small X in the name. To search by categories in the left panel, see Choice B below.
  6. To specify subcategories for the search, click "Browse Subcategory" and follow the rest of the previous step.
  7. To specify a record set for the search,
    a) Click "Browse Record set";
    b) In the "Search filters" field (top of the dialog) type a keyword for the record set you want;
    c) Click "More" if necessary;
    d) Select categories of interest from the list; and
    e) Click Apply filters. The selected categories appear on the search screen and can be removed if necessary by clicking the small X in the name.
  8. Click Search World records.

  1. Learn how to search for Findmypast records.

    FMP—How to Search Findmypast - 2021

  2. Watch this video for expert tips on searching with Findmypast.

    FMP—Findmypast Expert Help: Search Tips—18:56 - 2014

  3. For more information on searching for records in Findmypast, watch these videos.

    FMP—Searching Findmypast with James Tanner—4:56 - 2016

    FMP—Search Birth, Marriage, Death & Census Records—1:39 - 2015

  4. For more information on searching with Findmypast, watch this video.

    FMP—The Findmypast Search Masterclass - 2017

  5. Use the Findmypast card catalog for locality research.

    FHF—Using the Findmypast Card Catalog to do Locality Based Genealogy Research—12:06 - 2020


BSearch records by category (left panel).

  1. In the left panel of the World records search screen, click a category of interest. Categories are displayed in the left panel, and new search options may appear in the center of the screen.
  2. If desired, click a subcategory of interest. Again, new search options may appear in the center of the screen.
  3. Fill in the search fields as needed. The number of search results is displayed in the blue button as you complete each field.
  4. Click the dark blue search icon (bottom of the screen).
  5. To search all World Records, click the Search World records (bottom of the main search screen).

CUse "All Record Sets" to find records of interest.

  1. Click Search and select "All Record Sets". All Findmypast record sets are listed alphabetically.
  2. To sort the list, click the heading you want to sort by. The current sort heading is indicated by a single up-arrow.
  3. To search within a specific record set, select it in the list.
  4. To find a record set, type one or more keywords in the Search field (upper left). Results are displayed as you type.
  5. To see a different page of record sets, click one of the page numbers or advance buttons (bottom of the page).

DSearch Family Trees of other Findmypast members.

  1. In the upper-right corner of the World records screen, click Tree search.
  2. Fill in the search details in the "Find my ancestor" section.
  3. To add search information for family members, click a button for parents, spouses, siblings, or children, and fill in the additional details.
  4. To remove additional search criteria, click the "Remove" link.
  5. Click Search.


EAnalyze search results and edit or save searches.

  1. To sort the search results, click any title in the heading, above the list.
  2. To see a different page of record sets, click one of the page numbers or advance buttons (bottom of the page).
  3. To edit the current search, change the fields on the left (including the Search radius slider, if desired) and click the blue search button. To do a new search, click "Clear all" and retype the fields.
  4. To learn more about the record set, click "View transcript" and then click "Learn more" (near the top).
  5. To see a transcription of the record results, click the document icon (right side) for the name. You can add this record to a person in your tree, or print the record. When you return to the search results, a checkmark is placed next to the transcript icon, marking it as previously viewed.
  6. To see the record image (if available), click the camera icon for the name. For details on viewing and attaching images, see Project 2: Goal 4, Choice B.

Saved Searches

  1. To save the search fields you used, click "Save this search" (left side, under Advanced options).
  2. To see a saved search, click "Go to Saved Searches" to retrieve the search fields and results. You can also find saved searches using the My Account link.
  3. Click View to see the search information. To delete a saved search, click Remove.
  4. To set the number of saved searches to display on the page, click a numbered tab (upper right).
