1: Get Organized   2: Learn the Basics   3: Form a Strategy   4: Findmypast Search Menus (FMP)   5: Develop Search Skills   6: Solve Problems   7: Family History Trip   8: Descendants   9: Reading Handwriting   FMP Project 4                   Translation Tips    Music      Print Friendly and PDF

Project 4: Research

Goal 7: Take a Family History Trip

Goal 7: Take a family history trip. Vault

There's nothing like being there ... You can deepen your family history experience by planning and taking trips, short or long, to places connected with your ancestors.


APlan your family history trip.

  1. Make a list of locations of interest for research or gathering memories, and then decide where you will go. Here are some suggestions for places to do onsite research.

    PR—6 Places for Onsite Genealogical Researchs

  2. Watch this video for tips on planning family history trips.

    FS—Planning and Implementing a Research Trip—53:32 - 2015

  3. Use suggestions from these videos in planning for a successful trip.

    AC—Taking a Family History Vacation—20:08 - 2013

    FS—Take a Genealogy Trip with Tiff—24:36 - 2010


BDo effective research at the remote site.

  1. Learn the techniques of doing remote research.

    FS—Doing On-Site Research—29:55

  2. Learn how to create abstracts from genealogical documents you find.

    AF—What Is an Abstract? - 2016

  3. Learn what do do with your research findings.

    GC—What to Do after a Genealogy Trip

  4. For more information on accessing archive and library resources, see Goal F5 in the United States page, or corresponding goals in other Country pages.