1: Get Organized   2: Learn the Basics   3: Form a Strategy   4: FMP Search Menus   5: Develop Search Skills   6: Solve Problems   7: Family History Trip   8: Descendants   9: Reading Handwriting   FMP Project 4              Translation Tips    Music      Print Friendly and PDF

Project 4: Research

Goal 6: Solve Research Problems

Goal 6: Solve problems and use effective research methods. Vault

When research challenges arise, they don't need to derail your progress. With some best practices and creative thinking, you can keep your family history work moving along.


A Learn to avoid common mistakes in research.

Class Outlines:    Basic

Examples of common mistakes include:

  • Collecting ancestors, without verification or sources
  • Incorrectly identifying ancestors
  • Trying to connect with a person in the past by going forward in time
  • Not recording what you find
  • Not looking for siblings of ancestors
  • Skipping generations, or including a generation that is too short

  1. Beginning: Learn about research pitfalls for beginning genealogists.

    LT—Research Pitfalls of Beginning Genealogists
    AR—Beginner Mistakes and How to Avoid Them—18:26 - 2013   

  2. Common Mistakes: Learn how to avoid these mistakes that genealogists often make.

    AJC—3 Biggest Mistakes in Genealogy Research - 2020
    AF: Don't Make These 8 Mistakes in Your Genealogy Research - 2018

  3. Watch these videos for more information about common mistakes in family history research.

    AC—Common Mistakes in Genealogy, Part 1—22:46 - 2012

    AC—Common Mistakes in Genealogy, Part 2—26:54 - 2013

  4. Learn how to overcome bad habits and be smarter in your research.

    FL—Genealogy Research in the 21st Century Part 2: Overcoming Bad Research Habits - 2020
    CR—10 Tips to Be a Smart Genealogist—7:52 - 2023

  5. Assumptions: Avoid preconceived notions in research, such as: "The genealogy information given to me must be correct;" "Records are always complete and accurate;" "All events have exact dates and places available."
  6. Learn about mistaken assumptions in genealogy research.

    AC—Preconceived Notions—29:05 (start 3:00) - 2014

    RT—Perilous Assumptions - 2019

  7. Other: Understand how mistaken identities occur and how to avoid them.

    GC—Mistaken Identity


BUnderstand potential problems with terms and records.

Class Outlines:    Basic

  1. Understanding Terms: Be familiar with terms that may have confusing uses in genealogy:
  2. Record Problems: Read the articles to discover possible record problems and how to address them.

    GC—Potential Problems with Records
    LDS—Dealing with Errors

  3. Learn how to overcome problems caused by misindexed records.

    AF—MisIndexing — A Common Brick Wall and How to Get Around It - 2019

  4. Watch this video to learn about how to deal with unreliable evidence.

    AAC—Working With Unreliable Evidence—4:46

  5. Learn about "revolving door" ancestors, or those who have been added to shared online trees without proper sources.

    JT—What are revolving door ancestors and why do they exist? - 2021

  6. Here are some additional tips for working with information in records.

    AAC—Look at Both Sides of Documents—3:05
    FHD: Why You Should Stop Your Research and Reexamine Every Single Genealogy Record You Have

  7. Here are some tips for dealing with multiple birthdates in a family tree.

    CR—Solving the Mystery of Multiple Birthdates in Family History—11:19 - 2022


C Use evidence to resolve conflicting information.

Class Outlines:    Intermediate

Vault Summary
  1. Parentage: Document parentage accurately, as explained in this Ancestry video.

    AC—Documenting Parentage—31:30 - 2016   

  2. Learn to avoid following the wrong lines in your research.

    PR—Barking Up the Wrong (Family) Tree

  3. Learn how to deal with finding multiple people with the same name as your ancestor.

    BYU—Double Trouble: Avoiding the Same Name Trap—32:16 - 2019   

    FL—Revisiting a Research Project—Men of the Same Name - 2020

  4. Learn how to work with ancestors who may have changed their names.

    AJC—When Ancestors Changed Names - 2022

  5. Analyzing Evidence

    1. Analysis: Learn how to do critical analysis of your research findings.

      FS—Evaluate the Evidence
      LT—5 Tips for Evaluating Conflicting Evidence

    2. Here are more tips for evaluating evidence in the records you are working with.

      LT: Evidence Analysis Explained Part II: Evaluating Genealogy Information
      LT: Evidence Analysis Explained Part III: Evaluating Genealogical Evidence

    3. Get an introduction to record contradictions and discrepancies.

      FS Wiki—Contradictions and discrepancies
      AAC—Accuracy and Error in Records, Narratives, and Other Sources—9:49

    4. Resolving Conflicts: Learn more about how to resolve conflicting evidence.

      AC—Resolving Conflicting Evidence—38:13 - 2014   

      LDS—Dealing with Contradictory Evidence

    5. Use these approaches to handle conflicting evidence in research.

      CH—Basics of Evidence Analysis, Part Five: Resolving Conflicts - 2024
      RT—When Details Disagree: 8 Ways to Resolve Conflicts - 2019

    6. Learn about correlating genealogy evidences.

      GTV—Correlation of Evidence—6:57 - 2019

    7. Here are some tips for handling genealogy documents that disagree.

      5 Tips to Use When Genealogy Documents Disagree

    8. Explore the Evidence Analysis Process Map by Elizabeth Shown Mills.

    Reaching a Conclusion
    1. Watch this video for tips on recognizing when your research information is correct.

      AAC—How Do I Know When I Am Right? (video series)

    2. Learn how to write solid conclusions for your genealogical research.

      RT—Where's the Proof? Organizing and Writing Genealogical Findings


DUse effective tools and techniques.

Class Outlines:    Intermediate

Vault Summary
  1. Correlation/Inferential: Use the Correlation (Inferential) approach to piece together records. This helps you can draw conclusions that are supported by the evidence, even though specific facts may be missing.

    Using "Correlation" to Reveal Facts that No Record States
    FS Wiki—Inferential Genealogy

  2. Cluster Research: Use "cluster genealogy" to research friends, associates, and neighbors (FAN) of your ancestors.

    MH Wiki—F.A.N. Club
    FTM—Ways to Solve Genealogy Problems with Cluster Research

  3. Learn how to find missing ancestors by researching other people.

    AJC—How to Find Your Ancestor by Researching Other People - 2016
    BYU—Locating Your Ancestors Using Clusters—55:29 - 2017

  4. Learn to use spreadsheets to track your progress with cluster research.

    FHF—Easiest Tools to Use for Cluster Genealogy Research—9:27 - 2023
    GTV: Tricks to Making Cluster Research Faster—16:29 - 2018

  5. Case Studies: Explore practical case studies in genealogy research.

    TH—Genealogy Case Studies - 2019

  6. Watch this example and learn about the value of case studies.

    BYU—Case Study: Double Trouble with Elizabeth Hepton—49:03 - 2020   

  7. Explore the "Live and Unrehearsed" research videos on the Goldie May YouTube channel for examples of real-time case studies.
  8. Calendars and Dates: Learn how to overcome problems with calendars and dates in your research.

    GC: Dangerous Dates
    FE: Approximating Family History Dates


EUse creative approaches to solve problems in non-typical ways.


Creative approaches to research can help you make progress when traditional methods aren't working well.

Class Outlines:    Intermediate

  1. Tips and Tactics: Read this article to learn about proven tips and tactics that reach "out of the box" for results.

    FS—Tips and Tactics—8 pgs. - 2010

  2. Learn how to reach the next level in your genealogy resarch.

    LDS: Moving Research Skills to the Next Level

  3. Learn to use creative approaches in your research.

    APL—Finding the Things We Are Not Looking For—33:36 - 2022

    AC—5 Tips to Jumpstart Your Research—7 pgs. - 2016

  4. Children and Others: Learn how to find missing ancestors by searching for their children.

    LDS—Find Missing Ancestors by Searching for Children
    FHD—Siblings Are Likely the Key to Solving Your Family History Riddles

  5. Mind Maps: Use "mind maps" as explained in this article.

    Mind Mapping for Genealogists - 2012
    FL: Look at Your Family in a Whole New Way with a Mind Map - 2016

  6. Swim Lanes: Learn how to use "swim lanes" to track your research when dealing with complex issues.

    RT—Swim Lanes: A New Analysis Tool for Tricky Situations in Family History Research—4:27 - 2022


FUse photographs to aid in your genealogical research.


Class Outlines:    Basic   |   Intermediate

  1. Finding/Using Photos: Use existing photos to further your research work. Look for photos that arouse your curiosity or that seem to have a story to tell.

    FS—Use Photos to Enhance Your Research - 2015
    GC—Using Photos in Your Research

  2. Learn how to find family and historical photos online.

    LT—How to Find Family Photos Online
    AAC—Finding Ancestral Photos Online (video series)

  3. Here are 30 tips from Findmypast on using family photos for genealogy.

    FMP—30 Tips for Using Family Photos for Genealogy - 2020

  4. Dates: Learn how to date photographs in their approximate times.

    GC—Dating Your Photographs
    BYU—Identifying Old Photos by Time Period or Date—46:36 - 2022   

  5. Explore the PhotoTree site for photo identification tools.
  6. Clues: Find historical fashion clues for your photographs, in the articles below and on the Fashion History Timeline.

    AF—How to Use Women's Clothing to Identify 19th Century Photographs - 2021
    FTM: Finding Photo Clues in Historical Hat Styles

  7. Find hidden secrets in old photos.

    FTM: Quiz: Can You Read the Hidden Clues in this Old Photo?

  8. Learn about reviewing and studying photographs.

    AAC—Reviewing and Studying Photographs—2:45
    AF: Identifying Old Photographs: How to Do It and How It Can Help Your Research - 2015

Taking/Editing Photographs
  1. Here are some tips for taking better family history photos.

    BYU—How to Take Better Photos for Genealogy—66:31 - 2020   

  2. Learn basic skills for editing your photos.

    BYU—Editing Photos for Genealogy—70:29 - 2020   


G Know what alternatives you can try when research is slowed or stopped.

  1. Questions: Know what questions to ask before declaring a "brick wall".

    LDS—Questions to Ask Yourself Before Declaring a Brick Wall

  2. Solutions: Here are some tips and strategies for breakthroughs in your research.

    PR: Expert Strategies on Breaking Down Brick Walls Study
    FMP—13 Tips to Try when Your Family Tree Leaves You Stumped

  3. Here is some helpful advice on cracking your genealogy brick walls.

    AC—Breaking through Your Genealogy Brick Wall—32:06 - 2013

  4. Learn tips in these articles for handling challenging situations.

    GC—Impossible and Improbable
    AJC—Brainstorming Through a Brick Wall - 2017

  5. Watch the videos in this series to learn how foundational thinking can help solve brick wall problems.

    AAC—When You Find a Brick Wall, Develop Foundational Thinking (video series)

  6. Reaching Out: This case study highlights the value of reaching out to break through walls.

    LT—Solving Genealogy Brick Walls By Reaching Out

  7. Negative Results: Learn how "negative results" can be helpful in your research.

    LT—The Upside of Negative Results
