1: Get Organized   2: Learn the Basics   3: Form a Strategy   4: MH Research Menu   5: Develop Search Skills   6: Solve Problems   7: Family History Trip   8: Descendants   9: Reading Handwriting   MH Project 4              Translation Tips    Music      Print Friendly and PDF

Project 4: Research

Goal 8: Descendant Research

Goal 8: Learn how to do descendancy research. Vault

Descendancy research can be an efficient way to find descendants of ancestors (such as distant cousins). For a detailed look at how cousin relationships work, see "Are Your Cousins Removed?" Remember that FamilySearch does not display information for living people, beyond your immediate family.



A Learn the basics of descendancy research.

  1. Learn about the "why's" of descendancy research in this article.

    FS—Finding the Past in the Present

  2. "
  3. Learn about easy steps for descendancy research.

    FS—Easy Steps Handout

  4. Get an overview of descendant research.

    AAC—Descendant Research—3:34
    PR—Descendant Research

  5. Learn the basic approaches for descendancy research.

    BYU—Strategies for Finding an Ancestor Through Descendancy Research—18:14 - 2016


B Learn more about descendancy research.

C Use collateral and cousin research to solve problems.

  1. Learn about collateral research, for those who are not your direct ancestors.

    AAC—Collateral Genealogy Research—3:15

  2. Watch this video to learn more about sibling research.

    RT—Unlocking Answers through Sibling Research—18:22 - 2022   

  3. Learn about researching cousins in your family lines.

    FS—Cousin Research
    RIV—Finding Your Cousins - 2018