1: Research    2: Civil Reg.   3: Immigration and Convicts   4: Cemeteries, Church   5: Military Records   6: Probate Records   7: Maps and Gazetteers   8: Newspapers   9: Culture/History   10: Get Help     Goal 1  |  Goals 2-3  |  Goals 6-8             Tracker     KB-Intl.    Translation Tips    Music      Print Friendly and PDF


Goal 6: Probate and Land Records


[ New South Wales   Queensland   South Australia   Tasmania   Victoria   Western Australia]

Partners:  FamilySearch   Ancestry   Findmypast   MyHeritage   |  Websites:   FS Wiki      GenealogyLinks

Goal 6: Learn about Australia probate and land records.


ALearn about land and probate records.

Class Outline:   Goals 6-8

  1. Land: Learn about land and property records in this FamilySearch Wiki article.

    FS—Wiki: Australia Land and Property Records

  2. Find resources for Australian land records.

    SLQ—Land Records - 2019
    AF—Pioneers and Settlers: Researching Early Australian Land Records

  3. Probate: Learn about probate records in this FamilySearch Wiki article.

    FS—Wiki: Australia Probate Records

  4. Learn about wills, probates, and intestacies.

    SLQ—Wills, Probates, and Intestacies - 2019

  5. Explore the WotsMyGenes site for probate resources.

  Record Search Practice  |   Hints  |   Answers