1: Pedigree
2: Person View
3: Sources and Record Hints
4: Search Hist. Records
5: Map My Ancestors
6: Other Tools
7: Settings
Memories App Goals
Map My Ancestors displays a world map with information about ancestor events, arranged by geographic locations. App
Family Tree App
Goal 5: Map My Ancestors
Goal 5: Explore Map My Ancestors to see where important events occurred in ancestors' lives.
AOpen and view Map My Ancestors.
FS—FamilySearch: Map My Ancestors Using the Family Tree App—4:15 - 2021
BExplore events in Map My Ancestors.
a) Go back to the main Map My Ancestors screen and tap the magnifying glass icon (upper right);
b) In the "Search for a person or place" field, type an entry (suggestions appear in the list as you type);
c) Select a place or person from the list. Note : Some places listed may not have any ancestor events for your part of the tree.
CChange view settings.