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Family Tree App

Goal 3: Sources and Record Hints

Goal 3: Add and attach sources and record hints to ancestors in Family Tree.

Note : To learn more about sources and how and why they are used, see Goal 8 in Project 1, FamilySearch Family Tree.


AView sources that are attached to an ancestor.


  1. In the top menu bar for a Person view, tap Sources.
  2. Scroll through the list and tap a source to open it. If available, details are displayed for the record, as well as the web page where the online record is stored, the last modification date, and the username link for the person who added or modified the source.
  3. To see the image for the record, if available, tap View Image (upper right). Note: If the image is not from FamilySearch, it will open in a browser window on your device.

  4. To control the viewing options, tap the Options icon (upper right). The following options are available:
    • Adjust Image—Tap and select values for brightness and contrast.
    • Invert—Tap change the view to white text on a dark background; tap again to revert to the original view.
    • Image Rotation—Tap a choice to rotate the image to the left or to the right.
    • Print—Tap to display a text version of the image, if available.
    • Download—Tap to download the image to your Downloads folder. A notification is sent when the download completes.
    • Source Box—Save a copy of the record to your Source Box. You can edit the Source Title and type a comments in the Notes field if you want. You can also navigate to a different Source Box folder or create a new one, for the source record. When finished, tap Save.
  5. To display multiple pages of the record on the screen, tap the pages icon (upper left).
  6. If an attachment for the image is available, you can tap the paper clip icon (upper right) to display it.
  7. To scroll to a different image in the record collection, tap the left or right arrow (bottom of the screen) or type an number in the box (bottom).


B Review attachments for a source.


  1. In the top menu bar for a Person view, tap Sources to show a list of source records for the person.
  2. Open a source record and then
    a) Tap Review Attachments (upper left), and
    b) In the Compare and Match screen, tap the name of the person mentioned in the record whose info you want to review. Information from the source appears on the left, while information from the FamilySearch Family Tree appears on the right. Differences are noted on the screen.
  3. To see more information about the source record, tap the Image link (left side). You can also tap View Image in the Source screen to see the record image details.
  4. To see information about other people mentioned in the source, tap any of the circle-checkmarks that appear at the top, and then tap the Back arrow to return. You can also tap a section title (Spouse and Children, Parents and Siblings, etc.) to show or hide additional categories.
  5. To edit the name of the person in FamilySearch, or another data item for the person, click the pencil icon next to item, fill out the new information, and tap Continue.
  6. If the document is also attached to another person, a message appears at the bottom of the screen, and links are provided to view the person and review the attachment.
  7. To see information for additional people in the record, tap Next. When you are finished reviewing the record and making updates to Family Tree if necessary, tap Done (upper right).
  8. To detach the source from an ancestor,
    a) In the comparison screen, tap Detach;
    b) Review the information on the "Detach Source From" screen,
    c) Type a reason for detaching the source, and
    d) Tap Detach. You can also send a message to the person who attached the source by tapping the corresponding username link.
  9. In the Compare and Match screen, click Done (bottom of screen) if you are finished reviewing the attachments, or click Review Others if there are other relatives in the record to review.


C Attach a source record to an ancestor.


  1. In the source list for an ancestor, tap the plus icon (bottom). Be reasonably sure that the source you are looking for has not already been added to the ancestor.
  2. To search records for a source to add,
    a) Tap the blue Search Records icon;
    b) Select a record collection from the list (if other than FamilySearch, you will need to click Search to get started;
    c) Scroll through the list of record sources and tap the one you want to attach. You may also need to click Save.
  3. To add a source with a web page URL,
    a) Tap the Add Source with Web Page icon;
    b) Type entries for the Source Title, Event Date, Web Page (Link), Where the Record Was Found (Citation), Notes, and Reason You're Attaching This Source; and
    c) Tap Save (upper right).
  4. To add a source with a photo,
    a) a) Tap the Add Source with Photo icon;
    b) Type the necessary entries;
    c) Tap the Add Source Photo icon (top);
    d) Select Camera, File, or FamilySearch Gallery as the location to find the photo;
    e) Select a photo from the list; and
    f) Tap Upload (upper right) to attach the photo to the Source.

Using "Tasks" to View Sources

Note : If you have Ordinances enabled in your Family Tree view, you may also see available ordinances in your task list.

  1. To see available record hints, tap the three-line menu and select Tasks. (You can also select Descendants with Tasks from the three-dot menu).
  2. To remove a person from the list, swipe the name to the left and tap Remove.
  3. To filter the list, tap the inverted triangle (upper right) and select the type of filter you want to use.
  4. To find a name in the list, tap the magnifying glass icon (upper right) and type the name you want.
  5. To find tasks (record hints) for the descendants of a person in your tree,
    a) Open the Person Page; and
    b) In the three-dot menu, select Descendants with Tasks.
  6. Tap and open a record hint for a person in the list.

DReview and attach record hints.


    Record hints are provided by FamilySearch as possible sources for records for your ancestors. When available, they are indicated by light-blue icons in these places: in the Person view, next to the ancestor portrait; or in Tasks (three-bar menu, upper left).

  1. To open a record hint, tap a light blue icon.
  2. Tap a source in the list to open it.
  3. If the record is not a match for this ancestor, tap Not a Match (bottom). Otherwise, tap Compare to display the Record Review screen. This screen has information from the source record on the left, and information from the FamilySearch Family Tree record on the right, for comparison.
  4. To see more information about the source record, in the upper left tap the Image link.
  5. To see information about people mentioned in the source, tap any of the links that appear.
  6. To attach the record from the hint,
    a) In the box titled "Reason to Attach Document", type the reason you are adding the source; and
    c) Tap Yes, Attach.
  7. If there are other potential relatives listed in the source,
    a) Tap Review Others";
    b) Select a name from the list;
    c) Type the reason you are adding the source; and
    c) Tap Attach.
