1: Navigate Your Tree   2: Edit Person Information   3: Add or Remove People   4: Edit Relationships    5: Explore Hints   6: Add and View Sources   7: Tree Management   AC Project 2             Show Me, Goal 3       Translation Tips    Music      Print Friendly and PDF

Project 2: Ancestry Tree

Goal 3: Add or Remove People in the Tree

Goal 3: Add or remove people in your Ancestry tree.

As you add people to your tree, make sure you fill in essential information and connect them in the tree correctly. The Choices below assume that the Horizontal view is used.


A Add a relative for the home person.

  1. If the person who needs a relative added is not currently the first person on the page, move the person to first position (see Choice B in Goal 2).
  2. At the bottom of the first person's box, click Add Relative (the person-plus icon).
  3. In the right pane, select Brother, Sister, Spouse, or Child.
  4. If the person to be added may already be in the tree,
    a) Select From your tree (upper right);
    b) Type the name of the person and select it from the drop-down list;
    c) If applicable, choose the parents for the person to be added;
    d) Click Save.
  5. If the person to be added is not in your tree,
    a) Fill in as many details as you can (name, birth date, birthplace, etc.);
    b) If applicable, choose the parents for the person to be added;
    d) Click Save. Tip : Select place names from the drop-down lists.

  1. For tips on adding a person to your tree, watch the video or read the article.

    AC—How Do I Add a New Person to My Tree?—0:45
    AC—Adding People to a Tree

  2. Learn how to avoid adding duplicate persons to your tree.

    AC—How to Avoid Creating Duplicates in a Tree

B Add a father or mother for a person in your tree.

  1. At the end of one of your family lines, click an "Add Father" or "Add Mother" box.
  2. Assuming the person to be added is not in your tree (see Choice A above), fill in as many details as you can (name, birth date, birthplace, death date, death place). Select place names from the drop-down lists as you type.
  3. Click Save.
  4. To add a potential parent (one that Ancestry suggests, based on data it has found),
    a) Click a green Potential box that has the name of the suggested parent.
    b) To see what Ancestry is suggesting, click Review Details, review the vital information and links for records, photos, and family, and then click Yes to add the parent. If you click Maybe, the "Potential" box remains in the tree; if you click No, the box is removed.
    c) To add the parent from your own information, click Add Manually instead of Review Details.

  1. For tips on adding a parent to someone in your tree, watch this video.

    AC—How to Add a Parent to Someone in Your Tree—1:04

  2. For more details about Potential Parents, read this article.

    AC—Potential Mother and Father Hints

  3. To learn how to add a second spouse, watch this video.

    AC—How to Add a Second Spouse—0:42


C Add a relative for a person in your tree.

  1. Click a person in the tree who will have a family member added. The person's Summary is displayed.
  2. Click the Tools icon and select Add Relative.
  3. Follow steps 2-4 in Choice A above.
  4. You can also add a family member this way: a) Click a person in the tree;
    b) Click Profile;
    c) In the Family section of the Profile (right side), click Add;
    d) Select Spouse, Son, Daughter, Brother, or Sister;
    e) Fill in the details and click Save.

  1. For tips on adding a child for someone in your tree, watch this video.

    AC—Adding a New Child to Someone in Your Tree—0:44

  2. For tips on adding a sibling to a family in your tree, read this article.

    AC—Adding Siblings in a Tree


D For Church of Jesus Christ-Ancestry Membership, connect individuals between your Ancestry and FamilySearch trees.

You can link individuals between your Ancestry and FamilySearch trees so you can see FamilySearch information for them while you work in Ancestry. Certain updates made to an individual in FamilySearch will be reflected in your Ancestry tree, and you can add more relatives for a person, from the FamilySearch Family Tree.

  1. Open the Profile page for the person to be connected to FamilySearch.
  2. Click the FamilySearch logo (next to "Search" on the right side). If you are not signed in to FamilySearch, you will be prompted to do so.
  3. In the Select Match window, the default option is "Find best matches" (described in the next step). If you want to find a match person by FamilySearch ID,
    a) Click "Find match by FamilySearch ID";
    b) Type the ID of the match person; and
    c) Click Find Match.
  4. For the "best match" approach, select the name that appears near the top. Then compare data between the Ancestry person and possible matches on FamilySearch. If there is a match, click Connect Person. A check mark will appear next to the FamilySearch logo in the person's Ancestry Profile, indicating the person is now linked to FamilySearch. If there is no match, click Add to FamilySearch to add the person from your Ancestry tree to FamilySearch.
  5. To view FamilySearch information for the person that you connected, in the Profile page click the blue check mark. You can see ordinance details (if available) and view or compare the FamilySearch and Ancestry information. You can also add relatives (see the next step).
  6. To add selected relatives from FamilySearch to your Ancestry tree,
    a) Click the FamilySeach icon and select Add relatives from FamilySearch;
    b) Select a relative from the list;
    c) Click Continue; and
    d) Compare the FamilySearch information with the Ancestry individuals on the right of the screen. If there is a match, select the person's name from the Ancestry tree and click Selected Person Is a Match to connect the person to FamilySearch. Then click OK. Or, if there is no match, click No Match, Add as a New Person to add the person from FamilySearch into your tree.
  7. To add up to four generations from FamilySearch into a new Ancestry tree,
    a) In the Trees menu, click Import tree from FamilySearch;
    b) Name your new Ancestry tree; and
    c) Click Continue. The additional generations, if any, are now displayed in your new Ancestry tree.
  8. To disconnect a person in your Ancestry tree from FamilySearch,
    a) Click the blue check mark next to the FamilySearch icon (at the top);
    b) Click "Disconnect person from FamilySearch; and
    c) Click Disconnect to remove the connection. Note : The disconnected person's information remains intact on both sites; only the connection is removed.

  1. To learn more about connecting Ancestry and FamilySearch names and sources, read the articles below. Note : You cannot transfer photos to and from Ancestry and FamilySearch; you must add the items individually.

    FS—How do I connect a name on my tree on Ancestry.com to a person in Family Tree? - 2020


E Remove a person from your tree.

Note : Be sure you are removing the correct person. Otherwise you will need to re-enter that person's information.

  1. In the tree view, click the name of the person to be removed. The Summary panel appears.
  2. Click the Tools icon and select Delete this person.
  3. Click Delete to remove the person from the tree.