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Project 2: Ancestry Tree

Goal 4: Edit Relationships

Goal 4: Edit family relationships for people in your tree.Vault

People lists and relationship reports help you quickly find people and see their information and relationships. This is especially helpful as your tree grows in size.


A Edit family relationships.

  1. In a person's Profile, click the Edit (pencil) icon in the far upper right and select Edit Relationships. A list of family members for the person is shown.
  2. To remove a person's relationship to this family (but not deleting the person from the tree), click the X icon next to the person's name and then click Remove.
  3. To change a father's, mother's or child's relationship in the family, click the drop-down list for the person and select the option you want.
  4. To change a spouse's relationship in the family, click the drop-down-list next to the person's name and select the option you want.
  5. To add an alternate father for the family, click "Add Alternate Father" (top). If the person is already in the tree, type and select the alternate father's name and click Save. If the person is not in the tree, click Add New Person, fill out the fields, and click Save .
  6. To add an alternate mother for the family, or an additional spouse or child, click the corresponding link and complete the dialog as explained in the previous step.

  1. Learn how to add a divorce relationship to your tree.

    AC—Divorces in Trees and Records

  2. For more info on changing relationships, watch the video or read the article.

    AC—How to Change a Relationship—0:52
    AC—Fixing Relationships
