1: Basic Genetics and Research   2: Learn about DNA Testing   3: Take a DNA Test   4: DNA Matching   5: Ethnicity, Relationships   6: DNA Research Tools   7: Adoption and DNA   8: Help with Questions   FS Project 8                     Translation Tips    Music      Print Friendly and PDF

Project 8: DNA

Goal 2: Learn about DNA Testing

Goal 2: Learn about DNA testing.


This Goal helps you learn about DNA tests for recent ancestry, maternal lines, and paternal lines.



ALearn the basics of DNA testing.

  1. Learn about DNA Testing.

    Understanding DNA Testing for Genealogy Research—5:00 - 2014

  2. Get an introduction to different types of DNA tests.

    FS—DNA: An Introduction to Genetic Genealogy - Types of DNA—15:16 - 2018

  3. Here are "five truths" about DNA testing.

    5 Truths about DNA Tests—4:49 - 2016

  4. Learn about the kinds of information that DNA tests provide you.

    I Took a DNA Test: Now What? - 2017

  5. Review the links in the blog article for FAQs about DNA testing.

    DNA Testing, Part One

  6. The DearMYRTLE YouTube Channel has a series of videos called "Demystifying DNA Tests".

    YT—Demystifying DNA Tests

  7. Use these DNA inheritance charts to better understand DNA test results.

    FL—Charts for Understanding DNA Inheritance - 2019

  8. Learn about STR (Short Tandem Repeats) and SNP (Single Nucleotide Polymorphism) tests for DNA inheritance.

    WDY—What is STR and SNP DNA?

BLearn about autosomal (recent ancestry) DNA testing.

  1. Get an overview of autosomal DNA testing in this video and article.

    AC—The Power of Autosomal DNA—7:51 - 2016

    Autosomal DNA - 2012

  2. Learn how to use autosomal DNA research in practice.

    WDY—Autosomal DNA: How to Use It in Practice—56:31 - 2015

  3. Learn about solving brick walls in research with autosomal test results.

    FL—Autosomal DNA and Solving Brick Walls - 2018

  4. Explore the Autosomal DNA page on the ISOGG website for help resources.

CLearn about mitochondrial (maternal line) DNA testing.

  1. Get an overview of mtDNA testing in this ISOGG Wiki article.

    Mitochondrial DNA Tests

  2. Get an overview of mtDNA in this brief video.

    Mitochondrial DNA—1:04 - 2010

  3. Learn more about mtDNA and what it can tell you about maternal ancestry.

    Genetic Ancestry Testing: Mitochondrial DNA—4:53 - 2014

  4. Explore the Mitochondrial DNA page on the ISOGG website for help resources.

DLearn about Y-DNA (paternal line) testing.

  1. Get an overview of Y-DNA testing in this article.

    Y Chromosome DNA Test - 2022

  2. Watch these videos to learn more about Y-DNA testing for genealogy.

    Using Y-DNA to Research your Surname—3:58 - 2018

    Y-DNA Basics with Q & A—60:23 - 2020

  3. Explore the Y-DNA page on the ISOGG website for help resources.