1: Basic Genetics and Research   2: Learn about DNA Testing   3: Take a DNA Test   4: DNA Matching   5: Ethnicity, Relationships   6: DNA Research Tools   7: Adoption and DNA   8: Help with Questions   FS Project 8                     Translation Tips    Music      Print Friendly and PDF

Project 8: DNA

Goal 4: DNA Matching

Goal 4: Learn about DNA matching for your test results.

DNA matching helps you find others you are related to, based on the results of your DNA test.


ALearn the basics of DNA matching.

  1. Learn how to manage matches from your DNA test results.

    FS: DNA Cousin Matches Can Lead to Family History Discoveries - 2019

  2. Read this article for tips on sifting through DNA matches.

    FTM—Sifting through DNA Matches

  3. Watch the video or read the article to learn about connecting, and connecting with, your DNA matches.

    RT—Three Next Steps for DNA Matches Matches—8:03 - 2022

    FL—3 Tips for Connecting with your DNA Cousins - 2017

  4. These articles explain further steps you can take with your DNA test results.

    FS—DNA: I've Tested, Now What?
    LT—Eight Steps to Pursue with New Autosomal DNA Test Results

  5. Here are some tips for getting the most from your DNA matches.

    Are You Doing Everything to Identify Your Matches? - 2017

  6. Learn how to evaluate the information in DNA test results for use in your family history.

    ESM—QuickLesson 24: Evaluating DNA as Evidence

  7. Learn about cousin matches with DNA tests.

    FS—DNA: I've Tested, Now What? Cousin Matches—10:06 - 2018

  8. Learn about DNA match clusters.

    FS—DNA: I've Tested, Now What? Match Clusters—4:08 - 2018

Research Projects
  1. Learn how to develop a research log for your DNA research project.

    FL—DNA: Using a Research Log in a DNA Research Project

  2. Learn how to manage the flow of a DNA research project.

    FL—DNA Research Flow
    FL—Organize Your DNA Matches in a Diagram—5:01

  3. This article explains how to use DNA source citations in your research.

    FL—DNA Source Citations

BLearn about DNA matching with Ancestry, MyHeritage, and Findmypast.

  1. To learn about DNA matching for Ancestry, see Ancestry Project 7: DNA, Goal 5, Choice A.
  2. To learn about DNA matching for MyHeritage, see My Heritage Project 7: DNA, Goal 4.
  3. To learn about DNA matching for Findmypast, see Findmypast Project 7: DNA, Goal 3, Choice D.

CLearn about using the GEDMatch database.

  1. Learn how to use the GEDmatch database for your match results.

    FS Wiki—GEDmatch in Genealogy Research
    GEDmatch Tools - A Segment of DNA—18:40

  2. Here are some tips for using GEDmatch in your DNA research.

    Gedmatch Genesis Tutorial for Beginners

  3. Learn how to maximize your use of GEDmatch.

    RT—Maximizing Your Use of GEDmatch