1: Basic Genetics and Research   2: Learn about DNA Testing   3: Take a DNA Test   4: DNA Matching   5: Ethnicity, Relationships   6: DNA Research Tools   7: Adoption and DNA   8: Help with Questions   FS Project 8                     Translation Tips    Music      Print Friendly and PDF

Project 8: DNA

Goal 3: Take a DNA Test

Goal 3: Select and take a DNA test.

This Goal helps you evaluate different DNA test types and their benefits.


ALearn the basics of choosing a DNA test.

  1. Read the article for tips on choosing a DNA test.

    The Best DNA Test - 2022

  2. Watch these videos to learn about what test might be best for you.

    What DNA Test Should You Take? DNA Companies Compared—20:34 - 2019

    Choosing a DNA Test for Family History Research—63:39 - 2017   

  3. Get tips about different types of DNA tests on the Facebook page for DNA Testing Adviser.

BLearn about DNA tests available through Ancestry.

CLearn about 23andMe and DNA tests.

  1. Get an introduction to genetic genealogy and 23andMe.

    Is 23andMe the Best Testing Company?—3:17 - 2017

  2. Visit the 23andMe site for an overview of genetic science.
  3. Learn about the DNA reports available from 23andMe.

DLearn about FamilyTreeDNA (FTDNA) and DNA tests.

  1. Learn about FTDNA.

    Introduction to Family Tree DNA—20:05 - 2019

  2. Learn about autosomal tests with FTDNA.

    Overview and Family Finder Autosomal Test (Part 1 of 3)—40:22 - 2019

  3. Learn about Y-DNA testing with FTDNA.

    Y-DNA Test (The Father's Line) Part 2 of 3—22:43 - 2019

  4. Learn about mtDNA (mitochondrial, or maternal-line) tests with FTDNA.

    Mitochondrial DNA Test (The Maternal Line) Part 3 of 3—14:44 - 2019

ELearn about MyHeritage and DNA tests.

  1. Visit the MyHeritage site for an overview of DNA testing.
  2. Get an introduction to DNA testing with MyHeritage, from the Genealogy Insider.

    MyHeritage DNA Autosomal Testing

  3. Learn more about DNA testing with MyHeritage.

    MyHeritage DNA Test Review - 2022

  4. Learn more about DNA matching with MyHeritage test results.

    DNA Matching