1: Research and Records   2: Archives, Libraries   3: Civil Registration   4: Census   5: Church and Cemetery Records   6: Emigration and Immigration   7: Military Records   8: Land, Property, Probate   9: Maps and Gazetteers   10: Newspapers   11: Geo/Culture/History   12: Get Help               Tracker     KB-Intl.    Translation Tips    Music      Print Friendly and PDF


Goal 4: Census


Partners and Sites:   FamilySearch   Ancestry   MyHeritage  |  Websites:   FS Wiki   GenealogyLinks

Ireland Counties

Goal 4: Learn about Ireland census records.


ALearn about Irish census records.

  1. About: Learn about Ireland census records in these articles.

    FS—Wiki: Ireland Census Records
    Irish Census Records Date back to ...

  2.   Record Search Practice  |   Hints  |   Answers

  3. See also the Web Sites section of the Irish census page.
  4. Resources: Watch these videos to learn more about research with Irish Census records.

    AAC—Irish Census Records—6:53
    AAC—Irish Census Records: Clues in the 1911 Census—4:21

  5. Learn how to make the most of records in the 1901/1911 Census.

    Making the Most of the 1901/1911 Census of Ireland—27:27 - 2019

  6. Records: Learn about Irish census and substitute records.

    FS—Census and Substitutes—52:13 - 2017
    FS—Ireland Census Substitutes

  7. Learn more about Irish census records on the Fianna site and the National Archives of Ireland site.
  8. Electoral: Learn how find and use a variety of electoral records in Ireland.

    GG—Electoral Registers


BExplore census records in Ireland.

  1. Search the National Archives of Ireland site for Irish census records.

  2.   Record Search Practice  |   Hints  |   Answers

  3. Explore the John Grenham site for information on Irish census records.
  4. Explore the Census Online site for information on Irish census records.
  5. Explore Irish census records by county on the Genealogy Branches site.
  6. 1911 Worksheet: Download the Irish 1911 Census worksheet from the Irish Genealogy Toolkit site.



Northern Ireland

Antrim Armagh Down
Fermanagh Londonderry Tyrone