1: Research and Records   2: Archives, Libraries   3: Civil Registration   4: Census   5: Church and Cemetery Records   6: Emigration and Immigration   7: Military Records   8: Land, Property, Probate   9: Maps and Gazetteers   10: Newspapers   11: Geo/Culture/History   12: Get Help               Tracker     KB-Intl.    Translation Tips    Music      Print Friendly and PDF


Goal 8: Land, Property, and Probate


Partners and Sites:   FamilySearch   Ancestry   MyHeritage  |  Websites:   FS Wiki   GenealogyLinks

Ireland Counties

Goal 8: Learn about Ireland land, property, and probate records.


ALearn about Ireland land and property records.

  1. Basics: Learn about Ireland land and property records in these articles.

    FS—Wiki: Ireland Land and Property Records

  2. Sites: Explore the John Grenham site and the National Archives of Ireland site for information on valuations and tithe books.

  3.   National Archives Practice  |   Hints  |   Answers
  4. Find links for property records on the Irish Genealogy site.
  5. Estate: Learn about land and estate records in Ireland.

    RT—Landlords and Tenants: Land and Estate Records for Irish Family History - 2019

Griffith's Valuation
  1. Learn about the Griffith's Valuation of Irish land and its genealogy clues.

    AC—Ireland, Griffith's Valuation
    FMP—An Expert Guide to the Griffith's Valuation - 2016

  2. Search for Griffith's Valuation records on the Ask About Ireland site.


  Ask About Ireland Site Practice  |   Hints  |   Answers


BLearn about Ireland probate records and wills.

  1. Learn about Ireland probate records in this FamilySearch Wiki article.

    FS—Wiki: Ireland Probate Records

  2. Wills and Deeds: Learn about the Index of Irish Wills on Findmypast.

    FMP—Index of Irish Wills, 1484-1858

  3. Learn about the Registry of Deeds and its associated indexing project.

    Registry of Deeds Index Project

  4. Sites: Explore the Calendars of Wills and Administrations on the National Archives site.
  5. Explore Will Registers, 1858-1900 on the National Archives site.
  6. Explore Records of the Registrar General of Shipping and Seamen on the National Archives site.

  National Archives Site Practice  |   Hints  |   Answers


Poor Law, Work Houses, and Courts
  1. Here is an introduction to Poor Law and Work Houses.

    RT—The Poor in Ireland: Workhouses and Poor Law—25:42 - 2022   

  2. Learn about the Poor Law records in Ireland.

    LT—Using Poor Law Records to Find Your Irish Ancestors
    RT—Finding the Poor and Destitute Irish - 2019

  3. Learn about Irish Work House records.

    FMP—The History of the Workhouse—43:39 - 2016   

    FMP—Irish Workhouses - 2016

  4. Learn about court records in Ireland.

    GG—Court Records, Ireland



Northern Ireland

Antrim Armagh Down
Fermanagh Londonderry Tyrone