1: Research and Records   2: Archives, Libraries   3: Civil Registration   4: Census   5: Church and Cemetery Records   6: Emigration and Immigration   7: Military Records   8: Land, Property, Probate   9: Maps and Gazetteers   10: Newspapers   11: Geo/Culture/History   12: Get Help               Tracker     KB-Intl.    Translation Tips    Music      Print Friendly and PDF


Goal 6: Emigration and Immigration


Partners and Sites:   FamilySearch   Ancestry   MyHeritage  |  Websites:   FS Wiki   GenealogyLinks

Ireland Counties

Goal 6: Learn about Ireland emigration and immigration.


ALearn about Ireland emigration and immigration.

  1. Basics: Learn about Ireland immigration in these articles.

    FS—Ireland Emigration and Immigration
    AF—Irish Immigration Wave: The Emerald Isle Comes to America - 2015

  2. Wikipedia: Learn about immigration history and demographics in this Wikipedia article.

    Wikipedia: Irish Americans

  3. U.S. Records: Learn how to find your Irish ancestor using U.S. records.

    FS—Finding an Irish Ancestor Using United States Records

  4. Patterns & Strategies: Learn about Irish immigration patterns.

    FS—Irish Emigration to North America, Part 1—23:17
    FS—Irish Emigration to North America, Part 2—23:07

  5. Discover strategies for tracking your Irish immigrant ancestors.

    FS—Irish Immigration: Strategies—21:00 - 2009
    AC—Finding Irish Origins—5:00 - 2014

  6. Place of Origin: Learn how to identify places of origin for Irish immigrants.

    PR—Irish Research, Part 1: Identifying your Irish immigrant ancestor and their place of origin
    FS—Finding the Origins of Irish Immigrants - 2014

  7. Passenger Lists: Learn about accessing Irish passenger lists for research.

    Genealogy Branches: Irish Passenger Lists Research Guide

  8. Explore Irish passenger lists on the John Grenham site.


  Record Search Practice  |   Hints  |   Answers

BExplore more topics in Irish emigration.

  1. Records and Resources: Explore immigration and related records in this extensive research article.

    BYU—Irish Emigration and Immigration to North America

  2. Sites: Explore additional websites for emigration and immigration, as well as passenger lists.
  3. Scots-Irish: Learn how to track Scots-Irish ancestors, who lived in Ulster, Ireland and came from Scotland and northern England.

    FS—Wiki: Ulster and Scots-Irish—27:00
    FS—Wiki: Scotch-Irish Research - 2014

  4. Learn more about researching Scots-Irish ancestors.

    APL—Researching Scots-Irish Ancestors—72:13 - 2023

  5. Immigrant Ships: Explore the Immigrant Ships site for resources on Irish passenger lists and emigration.

  6.   Immigrant Ships Practice  |   Hints  |   Answers

  7. Potato Famine: Learn about the Irish potato famine and the effect it had on emigration.

    Researching Genealogy, Family Tree, Ancestry during the Irish Famine—12:22

  8. Learn about the motivating reasons for Irish diaspora and emigration.

    APL—Why They Left: A Conversation About the Irish Diaspora—44:27 - 2022

  9. Learn about Irish emigration to Australia and New Zealand.

    RT—Tracing the Irish in Australia and New Zealand—54:22 - 2024



Northern Ireland

Antrim Armagh Down
Fermanagh Londonderry Tyrone