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Training Groups

Help group learners achieve the results they need for family history.


Classes for groups offer a structured amount of content to learn in a specific amount of time. Classes can be a convenient and effective way to train with The Family History Guide, but remember that individual hands-on practice is still essential.

Using the Course Catalog

To find material for your classes, you can

  • Select a course from the Course Catalog, or
  • Build your own custom courses by combining Goals in single or multiple Projects to meet your needs.

To access the Course Catalog for The Family History Guide, click here.


  • Select—Select one or more classes from the Course Catalog for your training. If needed, customize your class using the guidelines provided on the Course Catalog page.
  • For Latter-day Saints—If you are designing a Latter-day Saint Sunday School course on family history, it's recommended that the first lesson be all or mostly inspirational. For ideas, see the family history and temple sources on LDS.org, or the Inspiration page in Latter-day Saint Topics (Faiths > Church of Jesus Christ) of The Family History Guide.
  • Signup—Create and distribute signup sheets. Include email/contact info, specify dates, whether basic computer help is needed, and previous experience with family history. Then collect names from the signup sheets. If there are more students than can be handled in one course, schedule additional courses.
  • Notify—Let students know about their course assignment and class times.
  • Helpers—Depending on enrollment, enlist one or more class helpers (consultants) to help with hands- on practice and coaching.


  • Basic approach—Explain or teach a Choice and then allow time for practicing it hands-on. (You may want to ask for a show of hands for who would like hands-on practice or coaching when completing a Choice; if no hands are raised, you can move ahead to the next Choice.)
  • Coaching—Have the instructor and assistants provide individual coaching as needed during hands-on practice.
  • Time—Monitor the hands-on time closely. If a consultant is struggling with a certain skill, even with coaching, move ahead to the next item and arrange to cover the unfinished skill in a later coaching session.
  • Trackers— At the end of each Choice or hands-on exercise, have students mark on their Tracker sheets their Status for the skill. The eventual goal is to have "4" (Can Teach) for each as many of the Choices as possible. Skills can be worked on at home or between sessions. For details, see the Tracker (Word) page.
  • Faster learners—Let faster learners do any of the following to stay engaged, interested, and challenged:
    Read ahead to the next topic; or
    Browse extra articles in the Choice or in the Vault.
    Note : Make sure the faster learners re-engage when you continue to the next topic.

After ...

  • Pass out a course evaluation form to gather course feedback.
  • Note which students may need to make up sessions in a future class, due to missed attendance or challenges with subject matter. Make arrangements as needed.
  • For Sunday School, work with the Ward Family History Coordinator to set up an ongoing development plan. This can include Goals and Choices from The Family History Guide.


With successful class, your attendees should:

  • Understand The Family History Guide well enough to use it effectively on their own.
  • Be confident and enthusiastic about continuing their family history journey.
  • Know where or whom to get help from as they progress.


If you are teaching a class of beginners (new to computers or new to family history), see the Train Beginners section of the Individuals page.