1: Basic Genetics and Research   2: Learn about DNA Testing   3: Take a DNA Test (AN)   4: DNA Matching (AN)   5: More about Matching (AN)   6: More with Test Results (AN)   7: DNA Research Tools   8: Adoption and DNA   9: Help with Questions     10: Test Settings (AN)   AC Project 7            Translation Tips    Music      Print Friendly and PDF

Project 7: DNA

Goal 5: More about DNA Matching

Goal 5: Learn more about DNA matching.


A Explore additional Ancestry resources for DNA matching.

  1. Learn about DNA matching with Ancestry.com test results.

    AC: Ancestry Shared Matches—5:32 - 2015

    AC: What to Do with All Those Matches—53:02 - 2013

  2. Use filters to focus on surnames or locations in Ancestry test results.

    AC: Focus on One Family at a Time—23:47
    AC: Surname and Location Filters—19:02 - 2013

  3. Learn about effective ways to contact your DNA matches.

    LT—13 Secrets to Getting Replies from DNA Cousin Matches

BLearn about using the GedMatch database.

  1. Watch these videos for an overview of how to use the GEDmatch database for match results.

    Genetics and Genealogy— 42:58 - 2015
    Getting Started with GEDMatch—15:08

  2. Here are some tips for using GEDmatch in your DNA research.

    FT: 3 Ways to Use GEDMatch in Your DNA Research

  3. Learn how to upload Ancestry match results to the Gedmatch database.

    Upload Ancestry DNA Results to GEDMatch—5:51 - 2017

  4. Learn how to triangulate your DNA matches using Gedmatch.

    How to Triangulate Your DNA Matches with Gedmatch—11:50 - 2019

CGet help with your DNA matching questions on Facebook.

  1. Visit the DNA Match Facebook page.
  2. Explore the GedMatch User Group page on Facebook.
  3. Explore the DNA Gedcom page on Facebook.
  4. Visit the GedMatch Product Group page on Facebook.