A: U.S. RECORDS 1: Records   2: Location, Maps, Geo   3: Regions / States   4: Timelines & Histories  |   B: VITAL RECORDS   1: Vital Rec.   2: Birth   3: Adoption   4: Marriage   5: Death, Obits   6: Cemetery  |   C: CENSUS   1: Records   2: By Decades  |   D: IMMIGRATION   1: Records   2: Passenger / Nat.   3: Other   4: Migration  |   E: MILITARY   1: Records   2: By Conflict  |   F: OTHER RECORDS   1: Religious   2: Land, Probate, Tax   3: Court   4: News.   5: Arch. / Lib.   6: Help   7: Misc.           KB    Translation Tips    Music      Print Friendly and PDF

United States

Goal A2: Location

[ Alabama   Alaska   Arizona   Arkansas   California   Colorado   Connecticut   Delaware   Florida   Georgia   Hawaii   Idaho   Illinois   Indiana   Iowa   Kansas   Kentucky   Louisiana   Maine   Maryland   Massachusetts   Michigan   Minnesota   Mississippi   Missouri   Montana   Nebraska   Nevada   New Hampshire   New Jersey   New Mexico   New York   North Carolina   North Dakota   Ohio   Oklahoma   Oregon   Pennsylvania   Rhode Island   South Carolina   South Dakota   Tennessee   Texas   Utah   Vermont   Virginia   Washington   West Virginia   Wisconsin   Wyoming    Washington D.C.    Puerto Rico ]

Partners:  FamilySearch   Ancestry   Findmypast   MyHeritage  |  Websites:   FS Wiki      GenealogyLinks

Part A: U.S. Records and Searches

Goal A2: Learn about location, geography, and time as research tools.Vault

Becoming familiar with locations, geographies, and timelines will help you determine where your ancestors lived, where they moved to or from, and when.



A Devise a strategy for locating your ancestors, based on where they lived.

Class Outlines:    Basic   |   Intermediate

  1. Basics: Learn about geography and genealogy in these videos.

    BYU—Basic Geography for Genealogists—49:06 - 2024

    AC—Geography and Genealogy—21:39 - 2016   

  2. Watch this video for ideas on researching with purpose and location in mind.

    GTV—Research with Purpose and Location First—12:00

Jurisdictions and Record Locations
  1. Learn about jurisdictions and how they can help locate ancestors.

    FS—Locating Records—4:32 - 2018

  2. Learn more about finding records in jurisdictions.

    BYU—Jurisdiction = When + Where—87:30 - 2017   

  3. Learn how jursidictions and boundary changes affect records.

    RT—Where? Understanding Boundaries and Jurisdictions—18:20 - 2022   

  4. Record Locations: Identify where genealogy records are located.

    LDS—Identifying Where Records Are Located

  5. Get tips on doing Ancestry searches for U.S. records by location.

    BYU—Searching U.S. Records by Location—37:17 - 2022

Researching in Locations
  1. Basics: Learn how understanding locations can make a difference in your research.

    FHD—Why Getting to Know an Ancestor's Location Can Be a Research Game Changer - 2018

  2. Read these articles for helpful location strategies.

    FS—How to Locate Your Ancestor in the U.S.
    LDS—Using Distances and Travel Times in Research

  3. Solving Problems: Learn how the changing of a place name can affect your research.

    LDS—Changing Place Names in Research

  4. Learn about the clues that come with locations, in these case studies from the FamilyLocket blog site.

    FL—Revisiting Locality Research - 2020
    FL—Location, Location, Location - 2016

  5. Learn how locality research can help you solve research problems.

    RT—Using Locality Research to Solve Complex Problems—54:33 - 2021   

  6. Here are some tips for finding a family who can't be found at the location where they should be.

    LT—When Your Family Isn't Where They Ought to Be


B Use maps effectively.


  1. Intro: Learn what types of U.S. maps are available and what genealogical information they might contain.

    FS—United States Maps   
    BYU—Understanding Maps for Genealogists (60:09) - 2016

  2. Watch this Ancestry video to see how maps can connect you to your ancestors.

    AC—Maps, Paths to Your Ancestors—18:00 - 2012   

  3. Insurance Maps: Learn how to use the Sanborn Insurance Maps in the Library of Congress.

    FHD—These Old Fire Insurance Maps Reveal a Surprising Amount of Genealogy Data - 2018
    LG—Sanborn® Fire Insurance Maps Online - 2022

  4. Explore the Sanborn Insurance Maps on the Library of Congress site.
  5. Plat Maps: Learn how to interpret plat maps.

    AF—Where Did Your Ancestor Live? How to Interpret Plat Maps - 2016

  6. Problems: Learn how to deal with recorded locations that are hard to find.

    My Ancestral Town Disappeared From the Map! - 2013

  7. Sites: Explore the David Rumsey Map Collection. Browse by location (second column) or year (fourth column).
  8. Explore the Old Maps Online site for United States maps.
  9. Explore maps from the 1900 Collection.
  10. Explore the Atlas of the Historical Geography of the United States for a variety of United States maps.


A gazetteer is a list and description of places. It can be used to locate the places where your family lived.

  1. Get an introduction to gazetteers in this video.

    RT: An Introduction to Gazetteers—16:03 - 2022   

  2. Learn about gazetteers and how they complement maps in your research.

    FS—U.S. Gazetteers
    MH Wiki—Gazetteers

  3. Use gazetteers and atlases in your research.

    FE—Using Gazetteers and Atlases in Genealogical Research

Using Mapping Tools


  1. Learn how to use Google Maps in your genealogy research.

    BYU—Using Street View on Google Earth—12:47 - 2019

    RT—Connecting the Geographical Dots: Utilizing Google Maps for Genealogical Research - 2019

  2. Learn about integrating map and genealogy information into Google Earth.

    Google Earth for Genealogy, Part 1: Putting Your Ancestors on the Map - 2018
    Google Earth for Genealogy, Part 2: Adding Historical Maps & Data - 2018

  3. Learn about historical map overlays.

    TH—Historical Map Overlays for Google Maps and Google Earth

  4. Explore features in Google Earth Pro.

    BYU—Google Earth Pro—16:56 - 2021   

  5. Find locations for a wide variety of geographical and man-made features in the U.S. Geological Survey site.


C Use city and town resources effectively.


Class Outline, Basic     Class Outline, Int.


  1. Overview: Learn about U.S. county and city directories in these articles.

    FS—United States Directories   
    MH Wiki—City and Business Directories

  2. Clues: Use city directories to find clues about where your ancestors lived.

    AAC—The City Directory; Your Guide to the Past —Video Series
    RT: City Directories—10:49 - 2021   

  3. More: Find out more about city directories in these articles.

    AC—Six Things to Find - 2012
    MH—Collection of US City Directories - 2020

  4. Tips: Learn techniques for researching city-dwelling ancestors in the U.S.

    AC—City Dwelling Ancestors—4:28 - 2017   

  5. Here are six ways to use city directories in your research.

    6 Ways to Use a City Directory—3:52 - 2015   

  6. Get tips for doing research in an urban setting.

    PR—Research in an Urban Setting

  7. Explore city directories on the Internet Archive. Type "city directory" in the search bar, along with the city name if desired.

  8. Learn how to find interesting details in city directories.

    FHF—How to Magnify Hidden Stories in City Directories - 2019


D Use county maps and resources effectively.

  1. Learn about definitions for counties, parishes, boroughs, townships, etc.

    FE: County Records and Genealogy

  2. Here are some important things to know about county locations and your ancestors.

    AJC—5 Things to Know About Where Your Ancestors Lived - 2018
    AJC—Why You Need to Know the Parent County - 2017

  3. See current county locations for each U.S. state.
  4. Explore state and county maps in the Genealogy Hound site.
  5. Historical Boundaries: Explore historical county boundaries for all U.S. states, on the Newberry site or the RandyMajors site.

    BYU—Discovering the Atlas of Historical County Boundaries—47:37 - 2024

  6. Learn how to find historical county boundaries with Google Earth.

    AR—Finding Historical U.S. County Boundaries Using Google Earth - 2012

  7. Learn how to solve problems due to county boundary changes.

    AR—Why You Can't Find Your Ancestor In That County: Boundary Changes—14:42 - 2013   

    LT: Dealing with Shifting County Boundaries

  8. Learn about techniques for doing effective county research.

    FS—County Records Yield Great Sources for Your Family Tree - 2019
    FE—County Records and Genealogy


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