A: U.S. RECORDS 1: Records   2: Location, Maps, Geo   3: Regions / States   4: Timelines & Histories  |   B: VITAL RECORDS   1: Vital Rec.   2: Birth   3: Adoption   4: Marriage   5: Death, Obits   6: Cemetery  |   C: CENSUS   1: Records   2: By Decades  |   D: IMMIGRATION   1: Records   2: Passenger / Nat.   3: Other   4: Migration  |   E: MILITARY   1: Records   2: By Conflict  |   F: OTHER RECORDS   1: Religious   2: Land, Probate, Tax   3: Court   4: News.   5: Arch. / Lib.   6: Help   7: Misc.           KB    Translation Tips    Music      Print Friendly and PDF

United States

Goal E2: Military Records by Conflict

[ Alabama   Alaska   Arizona   Arkansas   California   Colorado   Connecticut   Delaware   Florida   Georgia   Hawaii   Idaho   Illinois   Indiana   Iowa   Kansas   Kentucky   Louisiana   Maine   Maryland   Massachusetts   Michigan   Minnesota   Mississippi   Missouri   Montana   Nebraska   Nevada   New Hampshire   New Jersey   New Mexico   New York   North Carolina   North Dakota   Ohio   Oklahoma   Oregon   Pennsylvania   Rhode Island   South Carolina   South Dakota   Tennessee   Texas   Utah   Vermont   Virginia   Washington   West Virginia   Wisconsin   Wyoming    Washington D.C.    Puerto Rico ]

Partners:  FamilySearch   Ancestry   Findmypast   MyHeritage  |  Websites:   FS Wiki      GenealogyLinks

Goal E2: Explore military records by conflict.


A Explore Revolutionary War records.



Class Outlines:    Basic

    Records and Resources
  1. Learn about Revolutionary War resources in this FamilySearch Wiki article.

    FS—Revolutionary War

  2. Get an introduction to finding Revolutionary War ancestors.

    AAC—Finding a Patriot—4:01
    AF—A Short Introduction to Researching Your Revolutionary War Ancestors - 2015

  3. Get familiar with existing Revolutionary War records.

    GC—Revolutionary War Military Records
    TH—Researching Your Revolutionary War Ancestor

  4. Learn how to research Revolutionary War pension records.

    RT—Why Should I Look at Revolutionary War Pension Records? - 2018

  5. Learn about bounty land warrants, or land granted to Revolutionary War veterans.

    AAC—Bounty Land—4:41

  6. Search for a variety of Revolutionary War records on the Daughters of the American Revolution site.
  7. Explore the Military Indexes site for resources for the Revolutionary War.
  8. Explore Revolutionary War resources on the AccessGenealogy site.

Events and People
  1. Learn more about the events of the Revolutionary War at RevolutionaryWar101.com.
  2. Patriots: Learn about civilian patriots in the Revolution.

    GC—Service to the Cause
    AR—Patriots of Color: African-Americans in the Revolutionary War—13:22 - 2013   

  3. Learn about finding patriots of color in the DAR (Daughters of the American Revolution) database.

    DAR Patriots of Color Database - 2023

  4. Loyalists: Learn about loyalists in the Revolutionary War.

    AC—Loyalist Resources on Ancestry - 2013

  5. Personal: Use this lesson plan to learn about the personal side of the Revolutionary War.

    AC—Personal Side of War - 2012

  6. Books: Explore the Books We Own site for books that can be checked out or researched for you by others.
  7. Explore free online book material about the Revolutionary War on the Allen County Public Library site.

  Record Search Practice #1  |   Hints  |   Answers

  Record Search Practice #2  |   Hints  |   Answers


B Explore Civil War records for ancestors.



Class Outlines:    Basic

  1. FamilySearch: Learn about Civil War resources in these FamilySearch Wiki articles.

    FS—Beginning United States Civil War Research
    FS—Civil War Records—2 pgs.

  2. Ancestors: Find your ancestors who were involved in the Civil War.

    AAC: Brother vs. Brother: Exploring Civil War Ancestors (Video series)
    AC—Discovering Civil War Roots—21:14 - 2011   

  3. Records: Learn about finding Civil War records.

    FS—How to Use FamilySearch's Civil War Records to Learn about Ancestors

  4. Learn about Union and Confederate pension records.

    FS—Union Pension Records
    FS—Confederate Pension Records

  5. Learn how to find and use Civil War pension records.

    BOU—Rejected Civil War Pension Application File—21:33 - 2020

  6. Military Units and Regiments: Learn how to find your ancestor's Civil War unit.

    AJC—How to Find Your Ancestor's Civil War Unit - 2018
    BOU—Civil War Regiment Histories—15:14 - 2020

  7. Explore the Civil War Soldiers and Sailors database to identify Civil War units for ancestors.
  8. Stories: Learn about your ancestor's life during the Civil War period.

    AC—The Civil War: It's Personal—20:23 - 2020

  1. Explore Civil War resources on the NARA site.
  2. Explore Civil War resources on the AccessGenealogy site.
  3. Explore the Soldiers and Sailors Database on the National Park Service website.
  4. Explore the Military Indexes site for resources for the Civil War.
  5. Explore Civil War maps and photos on the Fold3 site.
  6. Learn about records and resources from the Reconstruction Era after the Civil War.

    AAC—The Reconstruction Era: Refugees, Claims, and Conscription—video series

  7. Lesson Plans: Use these lesson plans to learn about Civil War research.

    AC—Civil War: Home Front
    AC—Civil War: Military - 2012

  8. Books: Explore free online book material about the Civil War on the Allen County Public Library site.


C Explore records for servicemen in World War I.


Class Outlines:    Basic

  1. Records: Learn about WWI military resources in this FamilySearch Wiki article.

    FS—WWI United States Military Records

  2. Learn more about types of records for WWI research.

    FTM: 6 Records to Trace Ancestors Who Served in World War I

  3. Here are some basic tips for researching WWI ancestors.

    AJC: How to Find Your WWI Ancestor—2018

  4. Watch these short videos from Ancestry Academy to learn more about a variety of research topics.

    AAC—Researching Your WWI Ancestors—Video series

  5. Learn about pre-WWI pension applications.

    FS—Pre-WWI Pension Applications—15:58

Draft Cards
  1. Read these articles to learn about draft cards in WWI research.

    AF—WWI Draft Cards: Where to Find Them and What They Can Tell You About Your Ancestors
    TH—WWI Draft Registration Records - 2019

  2. See a sample WWI draft card and learn about the genealogy clues it can offer.

    FTM: How to Read WWI Draft Registration Cards

  3. Watch this video to see how draft cards from both World Wars can be used for research.

    AC—WWI and II Draft Cards—26:33 - 2014   

  4. Learn about Selective Service records and draft cards for World War I.

    FS—Selective Service Records (WWI) Draft Cards and More—40:52

  1. Search the American Battle Monuments Commission site for WWI overseas burial information.
  2. Explore the Military Indexes site for resources for WWI.
  3. Explore the livesofthefirstworldwar.org site for information on WWI research.
  4. Explore WWI resources on the AccessGenealogy site.
  5. Explore extensive resources for WWI research on BYU's Links to Other WWI Sites.
  6. Books: Explore free online book material about World War I on the Allen County Public Library site.

  Record Search Practice  |   Hints  |   Answers


D Explore records for servicemen and women in World War II.


Class Outlines:    Basic

  1. Introduction: Learn about WWII military resources in this article.

    FS—WWII United States Military Records

  2. Here are some tips for beginning your WWII research.

    AJC—Starting WWII Research: Tips from Jennifer Holik—7:53 - 2018

    BYU—Finding Your Ancestors in World War II—52:07 - 2023

  3. Study this WWII Research Guide from Ancestry for research tips.

    AC—Find Them in World War II - 2016

  4. Records: Learn about how to obtain missing WWII military records.

    9 tips on obtaining missing military records (and awards) for you or a loved one - 2018
    Military Record Reconstruction—6:44 - 2018

  5. Learn about using draft cards in your WWII research.

    TH—WWII Draft Registration Records - 2019
    GTV—WWII Draft Reg Card—3:43 - 2022

  1. Search the American Battle Monuments Commission site for WWII overseas burial information.
  2. Explore the Military Indexes site for resources for World War II.
  3. Explore WWII resources on the AccessGenealogy site.
  4. Battles: Use this lesson plan to learn about battles in World War II.

    AC—Battles - 2012

  5. Books: Explore free online book material about World War II on the Allen County Public Library site.

  Record Search Practice  |   Hints  |   Answers


E Locate your Korean War veteran.

  1. Learn how to find and use Korean War military unit records.

    Accessing and Understanding Korean War Army Unit Records—34:43 - 2023

  2. Read this article to learn how to locate Korean War veterans.

    GC—Locating Korean War Veterans

  3. Search the American Battle Monuments Commission site for Korean War overseas burial information.
  4. Explore Korean War resources on the AccessGenealogy site.
  5. Explore the Military Indexes site for resources for the Korean War.
  6. Explore Korean War records on the National Archives site.
  7. Search the Korean War Casualties database on the Fold3 site.

  Record Search Practice  |   Hints  |   Answers


F Learn about research for the War of 1812.

Class Outlines:    Basic

  1. Learn about the War of 1812 in these articles.

    FS—Beginning War of 1812 Research
    Genealogical Records of the War of 1812

  2. Learn about the records created during the War of 1812.

    AAC—Introduction to the Records the War Created—6:37
    AAC—Naval and Marine Service During the War of 1812—5:46

  3. Learn about pension records.

    AAC—An Examination of the Pension Records—4:42

  4. Discover relationships between various records.

    AAC—Illustrations of the Scope of the Relationships in the Records—4:47

  5. Learn about bounty land records.

    AAC—Bounty Land Records - The Reward for Service—6:58

  6. Learn about state militia records.

    AAC—State Militia Records—3:49

  7. Learn about the prisoner of war records.

    AAC—Prisoner of War Records—5:18

  8. Learn about Native American and African American service in the war.

    AAC—Native American and African-American Service During the War of 1812—10:13

  1. Explore military records for the War of 1812 on the AccessGenealogy site and the Fold3 site.
  2. Explore the Military Indexes site for resources for the War of 1812.


G Explore records for other U.S. conflicts.

  1. Spanish American: Learn about the Spanish American War in this FamilySearch Wiki article.

    FS—Spanish American War, 1898
    AC—Spanish-American War

  2. Learn the basics of researching Spanish American War ancestors.

    Researching a Spanish American War Veteran

  3. Explore the Military Indexes site or the AccessGenealogy site for resources for the Spanish-American War.
  4. Explore rosters of military units for the Spanish-American War.
  5. Indian Wars: Explore Indian wars on the AccessGenealogy site.
  6. Mexican War: Explore resources for the U.S. Mexican War on the Military Indexes site.
  7. Vietnam War: Learn how to get started with researching Vietnam War veterans.

    FS Wiki—United States Vietnam War 1964 to 1972

  8. Other Wars: Explore other U.S. wars on the AccessGenealogy site.


  Vietnam War, Record Search Practice  |   Hints  |   Answers