A: U.S. RECORDS 1: Records   2: Location, Maps, Geo   3: Regions / States   4: Timelines & Histories  |   B: VITAL RECORDS   1: Vital Rec.   2: Birth   3: Adoption   4: Marriage   5: Death, Obits   6: Cemetery  |   C: CENSUS   1: Records   2: By Decades  |   D: IMMIGRATION   1: Records   2: Passenger / Nat.   3: Other   4: Migration  |   E: MILITARY   1: Records   2: By Conflict  |   F: OTHER RECORDS   1: Religious   2: Land, Probate, Tax   3: Court   4: News.   5: Arch. / Lib.   6: Help   7: Misc.           KB    Translation Tips    Music      Print Friendly and PDF

United States

Goal B1: Vital Records

[ Alabama   Alaska   Arizona   Arkansas   California   Colorado   Connecticut   Delaware   Florida   Georgia   Hawaii   Idaho   Illinois   Indiana   Iowa   Kansas   Kentucky   Louisiana   Maine   Maryland   Massachusetts   Michigan   Minnesota   Mississippi   Missouri   Montana   Nebraska   Nevada   New Hampshire   New Jersey   New Mexico   New York   North Carolina   North Dakota   Ohio   Oklahoma   Oregon   Pennsylvania   Rhode Island   South Carolina   South Dakota   Tennessee   Texas   Utah   Vermont   Virginia   Washington   West Virginia   Wisconsin   Wyoming    Washington D.C.    Puerto Rico ]

Partners:  FamilySearch   Ancestry   Findmypast   MyHeritage  |  Websites:   FS Wiki      GenealogyLinks

Part B: U.S. Vital Records

Goal B1: Understand vital records.

Birth, marriage, and death records, commonly known as vital records, are great resources for locating and verifying your ancestors' information. Note that "certificates" (such as birth certificates) is a fairly recent term, so this goal focuses on "birth records" to be more inclusive.



A Learn about vital records in the United States.

Class Outlines:    Basic

  1. Basics: Get an overview of types of vital records and where to find them.

    MH: Vital Records: How to Find Birth, Marriage & Death Records - 2023
    FS Wiki—United States Vital Records   

  2. Learn more about United States vital records.

    AAC—Vital Records—4:33
    FS—U.S. Vital Records Handout

  3. Learn how to locate vital records in the United States.

    GTV—Where to Find Birth, Marriage, Divorce, and Death Records for Genealogy—11:46 - 2018
    BYU— Finding Birth, Marriage, and Death Records—22:31 - 2014

  4. More: Learn about vital records in more depth in these videos.

    FS—United States Vital Records—59:00
    FS—Finding Your Ancestors in Vital Records—53:51

  5. Here are some tips for deciding whether a vital record was created.

    AR—Does That Record Even Exist?—20:52 - 2013   

    FS—United States Civil Records

  6. Learn how to extend your searches beyond vital records.

    BYU—Moving Beyond Birth, Marriage and Death Records—58:15 - 2013

  7. Learn about surname origins in the United States.

    AC—Last Names and Their Meanings

B Explore resources for vital records in the U.S.

  1. Learn more about vital records and explore resources in this article.

    FS—Finding Your Ancestors in Vital Records—6 pgs. - 2015

  2. Ordering: Learn how to order vital records from state agencies.

    LT—Ordering Vital Records from State Agencies

  3. Explore the vitalrec.com site for steps to follow in ordering vital records in the United States.
  4. Alternatives: Learn to find U.S. vital records and alternative sources.

    AC—Finding Vital Records and Alternatives—8 pgs. - 2016.
    RT—Finding Substitutes for Vital Records - 2019

  5. Learn more about alternatives to vital records in research.

    LT—3 Vital Record Substitutes You Can Use in Your Genealogy Research

  6. Offline Records: Find U.S. vital records that are offline.

    FHD: Offline Vital Records are Critical to Your Research - 2023

  7. StevenMorse: Access the stevenmorse.org website to explore a variety of U.S. vital records.