A: U.S. RECORDS 1: Records   2: Location, Maps, Geo   3: Regions / States   4: Timelines & Histories  |   B: VITAL RECORDS   1: Vital Rec.   2: Birth   3: Adoption   4: Marriage   5: Death, Obits   6: Cemetery  |   C: CENSUS   1: Records   2: By Decades  |   D: IMMIGRATION   1: Records   2: Passenger / Nat.   3: Other   4: Migration  |   E: MILITARY   1: Records   2: By Conflict  |   F: OTHER RECORDS   1: Religious   2: Land, Probate, Tax   3: Court   4: News.   5: Arch. / Lib.   6: Help   7: Misc.           KB    Translation Tips    Music      Print Friendly and PDF

United States

Goal C1: Census Records

[ Alabama   Alaska   Arizona   Arkansas   California   Colorado   Connecticut   Delaware   Florida   Georgia   Hawaii   Idaho   Illinois   Indiana   Iowa   Kansas   Kentucky   Louisiana   Maine   Maryland   Massachusetts   Michigan   Minnesota   Mississippi   Missouri   Montana   Nebraska   Nevada   New Hampshire   New Jersey   New Mexico   New York   North Carolina   North Dakota   Ohio   Oklahoma   Oregon   Pennsylvania   Rhode Island   South Carolina   South Dakota   Tennessee   Texas   Utah   Vermont   Virginia   Washington   West Virginia   Wisconsin   Wyoming    Washington D.C.    Puerto Rico ]

Partners:  FamilySearch   Ancestry   Findmypast   MyHeritage  |  Websites:   FS Wiki      GenealogyLinks

Part C: U.S. Census Records

Goal C1: Get to know U.S. Census records.


Census records are a great way to narrow down searches for ancestors in the U.S.



A Learn about the U.S. census and how it can be used for research.

Class Outlines:    Basic   |   Intermediate

  1. Basics: Learn the basics of U.S. Census records.

    FS—United States Census Records for Beginners
    GE—How to Search U.S. Census Records - 2022

  2. Study these quick reference guides to the U.S. Census.

    FHD: The Ultimate Quick Reference Guide to the U.S. Census for Genealogy - 2020
    Research Guide: U.S. Census Records

  3. Learn how to use U.S. census records over the years in your research.

    AC—U.S. Census
    AC—Follow Your Family Using Census Records - 2016

  4. Find & Read: Learn how to find and read U.S. Census records.

    AC: Finding and Reading U.S. Census Records

  5. Resources: Explore resources for the U.S. Census.

    FS—Wiki, U.S. Census Records

  6. Read this Census Information Sheet to see the kinds of information that were gathered from the first U.S. Census in 1790 to the 1940 Census.
  7. Access the stevenmorse.org website to learn more about U.S. Census records.
  8. Verification: Learn how to verify the types of information you find in census records.

    FHD—Why You Should Never Rely on "Facts" You Find in the Census, and What to Do Instead - 2020


B Learn how to find your ancestors in various census records.


Tips and Strategies

  1. Learn strategies and techniques for finding ancestors in U.S. census records.

    AJC—How to Browse the Census by Location—8:11 - 2017
    FS—Census Techniques and Strategies—4 pgs.

  2. Here are 10 strategies for finding family in the census.

    LG—Find Your Family in the Census – 10 Search Strategies for Success - 2022
    FS—Census Techniques and Strategies—4 pgs.

  3. Find your missing ancestors in census records.

    AC—10 Census Tips from Ancestry—4 pgs.
    AC—Finding Missing People in the Census—27:41 - 2012   

  4. Relationships: Learn how to determine relationships for people in census records.

    AC—Who Are These People on This Census?—32:34 - 2018   

  5. Marriages and Deaths: Learn to find clues for ancestor marriages and deaths in U.S. census records.

    AAC—Census Marriage Clues—3:01
    AC—Death Clues in Census Records—19:48 - 2012   

  6. Learn about using a quick reference sheet for research clues in census records.

    CH—Quick Reference Sheet: Clues Found on United States Census Records - 2021

  7. Missing Info: Learn how to deal with confusing or missing information in census records.

    Find Family in Census (even those elusive ones)—16:24- 2023

Census Districts and Schedules
  1. Enumeration Districts: Learn to use census enumeration district maps.

    TH—Census Enumeration Maps - 2018
    AAC—Understanding Census Enumeration Districts—1:43

  2. Schedules: Explore population census schedules from 1790-1940 on the Bowdoin Library site.

  3. Here is an overview of the additional types of information you can find in the U.S. census.

    APL—Other Census Records Beyond the Federal Population Schedules—50:22 - 2022

  4. Learn how to use non-population schedules in your research.

    AAC—Non-Population Schedules: Your Next Step in Census Research—Video series
    CH—U.S. Census Non-Population Schedules: Adding Details to Our Ancestors' Lives - 2021

  5. Here is a brief introduction to census mortality schedules.

    AAC—Mortality Schedules—3:14

  6. Use mortality schedules to find research clues.

    LT—Digging for Deaths: Understanding the Census Mortality Schedule
    LT—Digging for Deaths Part 2: Census Mortality Schedules

  7. Use agricultural and industrial schedules to find research clues.

    AAC—Agricultural Schedules—1:26
    AAC—Industrial Schedules—2:49

  8. Learn more about using agricultural schedules in research.

    HD—How to Use Agricultural Censuses in Genealogy - 2020


C Explore state census records to find clues for your ancestors.

  1. Introduction: Watch these videos for an introduction to using state census records.

    AC—Finding Family History Clues in State Census Records—22:39 - 2012   

    FS—State and Special Census Records—35:31 - 2010

  2. Learn more about state and local censuses in this Ancestry article.

    AC: State and Local Censuses

  3. Use the Ancestry message boards to read or post questions about U.S. census records.
  4. Watch these video to learn about using state census records for research.

    AAC—State Censuses—4:17
    AAC—State Census Treasures—2:59

  5. Here are some tips for using state census records.

    FHD: The Hugely Valuable Records Many Family Historians Forget About (State Censuses) - 2023
    FHD: The Complete Guide To U.S. State Census Records By Year - 2023

  6. Learn how state census records can fill in missing details in your research.

    CH: State Censuses Help Fill In Important Details About the In-Between Census Years - 2021
  7. Learn more about the state census records and how to find them.

    RT: The Genealogical Value of US Territorial and State Census Records—19:59 - 2025

    RT—Diving Between the Decades, Part 2: Finding U.S. Territorial and State Census Records—17:39 - 2025
