Study Goals:  |   1: Overview   2: Family Tree   3: Memories   4: Research   5: More Topics&
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Study Center for Findmypast

Overview    Family Tree
Memories    Research
Countries    More Topics




1. Set up an account if you don't already have one.

2. Learn family history basics.

3. Learn computer basics (optional).

All Levels (Beginning/Intermediate/Advanced)

1. Get to know The Family History Guide.

2. Get familiar with features in The Family History Guide.

  • Watch the Quick Tour video to learn how to navigate the features in the website.
  • Explore the Features Help page to learn additional ways to use The Family History Guide.
3. Explore additional computer topics (optional).


BFamily Tree (Project 2)


1. Navigate your Findmypast family tree.

  • Learn basic navigation skills in Goal 1.
2. Change and add information in your tree.

  • Update or add information for existing ancestors, in Goal 2.
  • Add or remove people in your tree, in Goal 3.
  • Edit relationships for ancestors, in Goal 4.


3. Use Findmypast hints and merging.

  • Use hints for ancestor records, in Goal 5, Choice A.
  • Merge duplicate ancestor records when needed, in Goal 5, Choice B.
4. Work with sources.

  • Add and view sources for ancestor records, in Goal 6.


CDocuments and Photos (Project 3)

Beginning and Intermediate

1. Gather records.

  • Learn how to gather your own personal records, in Goal 1.
  • Learn how to gather records from relatives and others, in Goal 2.
2. Interview relatives.

  • Learn effective ways to interview relatives for family history memories, in Goal 3.
3. Prepare and add photos and documents to Findmypast.

  • Prepare items for upload in Goal 4.
  • Add and manage media items in Goal 5.


DResearch (Project 4)

Beginning and Intermediate

1. Get a good start with research.

  • Learn how to gather and organize your research materials, in Goal 1.
  • Identify a line to research, in Goal 2.
  • Form a basic strategy for research, in Goal 3.
2. Use Findmypast menus for research.

  • Search Findmypast records, in Goal 4.
  • Analyze search results, in Goal 4, Choice E.
  • View and attach record sources, in Goal 4, Choice F.

Intermediate and Advanced

3. Explore techniques in searching and problem solving.

  • Develop your search skills, in Goal 5.
  • Learn to use problem-solving strategies for research, in Goal 6.
4. Navigate the country, state, and province pages.

  • Open the Countries page and explore regions and countries on the page.
  • Open U.S. or Australian state pages, Canadian province pages, and England county pages.
5. Choose one or more countries for research.

  • In the Countries page, select a country for research.
  • Work on the Goals and Choices for that country, logging your progress in the corresponding Online Tracker page.


EMore Topics (Project 5)

All Levels (Beginning, Intermediate, Advanced)

1. Get help.

  • Get help with your own family history, in Goal 1.
  • Explore genealogy societies, in Goal 2.
  • Collaborate with others on genealogy, in Goal 3.