1: Navigate Your Tree   2: View Information   3: Edit Information    4: Add People to Tree   5: View People Lists & Relationships   6: Use PedigreeMap   7: Print Charts and Books   8: Add Sources   9: Check and Manage Tree   10: Record Matches and Discoveries   MH Project 2           Show Me, Goal 2       Translation Tips    Music      Print Friendly and PDF

Project 2: MyHeritage Tree

Goal 2: View Tree Information

Goal 2: View information about people in your tree.

You can view facts and profile information for people in your MyHeritage tree, using a number of different screens.


A View information for a person.

  1. To see details for a person, click the person's name. The Person window opens at the left, with the following items:
    • Name and vital information
    • View relationship diagram
    • "Research this person" (displays record collections for research)
    • Profile page button
    • Quick Edit button
    • Add Relatives button
    • More: Additional actions for the person
    • Categories (scroll down): Discoveries, Immediate family, Photos and videos, Facts
  2. Click a person card to center it, and click it again to open the Person window.
  3. In the Person window, scroll down to Facts. These may include birth, marriage, death, and births and marriages of children.

  4. Note : If you imported information from a GEDCOM file, the Notes and other fields may appear as Facts, such as Biography, Ancestral File #, etc.


B View profile information for a person.

  1. Click Profile in a Person window. (If there is no Person window open, click the person's card in the tree to open it.)
  2. Above the person's name, your relationship to the person is outlined. You can click a name in the relationship chain to see the profile for that person.
  3. The Info tab has record matches, photos, immediate family (parents, siblings, and children), and more. To learn more about the Info tab, see Choice C below.
  4. Click the Events tab to see a list of chronological events in the person's life, as well as a "Trail" (Google map) section that shows where some of the events took place. To learn more, see Choice D below.
  5. To add a photo to a person's card or profile,
    a) Click the camera icon in the person card,
    b) Drag a photo into the window, or click Select File and navigate to the file you want to use; and
    c) Click OK.
  6. To adjust the photo you added to a person's card,
    a) Drag the slider bar to set the zoom;
    b) Drag the photo itself to move its position; and
    c) Click OK. You can also click Clear profile photo and then click OK.

  1. To learn more about profile photos, watch this video.

    MH—How to Add and Change a Profile Photo—1:28

C See more information for a person in the Info tab.

  1. In a Profile page for a person, click the Info tab. Birth and death information, if available, is displayed at the top of the screen. Below the photo youcan see the number of times the profile has been viewed.

  2. To see the birth or death location with PedigreeMap, click View in Pedigree Map (left side), or click a location link in the birth and death section. For more details about PedigreeMap, see Goal 6 in this Project.
  3. In the Records section, hover over a record to see a summary of its information. A confidence rating shows how likely the record would match your person, according to MyHeritage.
  4. If you want to handle the record match, click Confirm to accept the record source, or Reject to clear it. You can do record matches for any of the matches that appear in the Records section. For help with extracting record match information, type and select "Can I extract information from matches?" in the MyHeritage Help Center. To learn more about Record Matches, see Goal 10 in this Project.

  5. The "Immediate family" section of the Info page shows spouse, children, parents, and siblings. To see the profile for one of these people, click the person's name.
  6. To add a memory for the person, type it in the "Share your memories" window (bottom of the screen) and click Add comment.

D See events for a person.

  1. In the Profile page, click the Events tab to show events in the person's life. These events come from the "All facts" page. A green star icon indicates a birth; a blue ring icon indicates a marriage; and a gray headstone indicates a death.
  2. You can use the "Trail" (Google map) area to see the present -day versions of where some of the events took place. You can drag to move the view, or click the plus or minus buttons to zoom in or out, or enlarge the map.

  3. You can also add, change, or remove events in the screen. For details, see Choice E in Goal 3.

E View a timeline for your tree.

  1. In the Family tree menu, click Timeline. Names and facts from your family tree are displayed on the timeline. Consistency issues, if any, are displayed as red dots on the timeline; tombstone markers highlight the death dates; and small numbers above or below each name bar show the age of the parent when the child in the timeline was born.
  2. To change the number of generations for ancestors shown in the timeline, click Generations (upper right) and select a number.
  3. To change the display settings for the timeline, click the Options wheel (upper right) and make your selections.
  4. To change the starting person for the timeline, click the name box (upper left), type a name, and select it from the list.
  5. To download the current timeline view as a PDF file, click the Download icon (upper right).
  6. To share the timeline with others, click the Share icon and then select Facebook, Twitter, or What'sApp and follow the steps. You can also click Copy link so you can share via email or other social media.
  7. To view information for a person in the timeline, click the three-dot icon in the name bar and select an action from the list.