1: Navigate Your Tree   2: View Information   3: Edit Information   4: Add People to Tree   5: View People Lists & Relationships   6: Use PedigreeMap   7: Print Charts and Books   8: Add Sources   9: Check and Manage Tree   10: Record Matches and Discoveries   MH Project 2           Show Me, Goal 9       Translation Tips    Music      Print Friendly and PDF

Project 2: MyHeritage Tree

Goal 9: Check and Manage Your Tree

Goal 9: Check and manage your MyHeritage tree.

You can use the Tree Checker tool to find and resolve data issues in your tree, and you can switch between trees and merge trees when necessary.


A Check your tree for consistency and data issues.

  1. In the Family tree menu, click Consistency Checker. The Consistency Checker tool scans your family tree to find issues that need to be corrected, and it provides tips for correcting them. At the top, statistics are displayed for the number of issues found, number of people checked, estimated time left in the check, and percent of completion.
  2. To correct an issue, read the tip and click the person's name. In the person's Essentials page you can provide the correct information. You can also see more information about the issue by clicking the information button next to it.
  3. To stop a Tree Checker scan, click the X (upper right).
  4. To hide or show the results of a particular issue, click the arrow that appears at the right of the issue heading.
  5. To disable checking for a particular issue, click the X that appears at the right of the issue heading.
  6. When the scan completes, you can run it again (circle-arrow), or print the results (printer icon), or change the Consistency Checker settings (wheel icon).
  7. In the Consistency Checker settings window you can see the possible types of errors and warnings. To disable a particular issue from being scanned for, clear its check box.

  1. Watch these videos to learn more about the Consistency Checker.

    MH—How to Use the Consistency Checker—2:37 - 2019
    MH—Tune Up Your Family Tree with the MyHeritage Consistency Checker—73:00

  2. Learn about handling duplicate records in your tree.

    MH—How do I merge duplicates in my online tree?
    MH—How to Delete Duplicates from Your Tree—2:39 - 2019


B Manage your tree.

  1. In the Family Tree menu, click Manage Trees. The following statistical categories are shown:
    • Summary
    • About our family tree—click Edit to update
    • About our family—click Edit to update
    • Missing pieces—click Edit to update
  2. Click Save.
  3. To export the MyHeritage tree as a GEDCOM file, click Export to GEDCOM (upper right).
  4. In the upper right, you can also click a link to view the tree, edit tree settings, download the original GEDCOM file, delete the tree, or add a new tree.

  1. Learn how to switch between multiple sites.

    MH—Switch to a Different Site, if I Have More than One Site

  2. This article explains how to merge two family trees.

    MH—How do I merge two family trees?

  3. Learn how to change your site and tree names.

    MH—How to Change the Name of Your Family Site and Family Tree—2:11 - 2019

  4. Watch this video for tips on managing your MyHeritage family site.

    MH—How to Better Manage Your MyHeritage Family Site—82:00