1: Gather Your Records   2: Gather Records from Others   3: Interview Relatives   4: Browse Memories   5: Prepare Uploads   6: Add and Tag Photos   7: Add Documents   8: Add Stories   9: Write a Brief Life Story   10: Add Audio Files   11: Use the Gallery   12: Solutions Gallery   FS Project 2                    Translation Tips    Music      Print Friendly and PDF

Project 2: Memories

Goal 2: Gather Records from Others

Goal 2: Gather photos and documents of ancestors from others, and organize them.

This helps you learn about your ancestors' lives in a personal way.


A Contact living relatives or others who might have photos or documents for you to add.

In some cases, these people may have already added photos and documents to Memories.

  1. Click a photo for an ancestor in your tree. In FamilySearch Memories you can click the Contributed by link to show the email address of the contributor (if available). In Ancestry, MyHeritage, and Findmypast, the contributor information appears next to the photo, for other trees you are viewing.
  2. Compile a contact list from contributors discovered in the previous step.
  3. Read the articles for ideas on reaching out to others for photos and documents, and then make the contacts.

    FS—How to Gather Family Information
    FS—Collecting Previous Research by Others

  4. Offer to send physical copies of photos or documents to relatives if they would like them.

B Add photos and documents from others to your collection, and catalog them.


  1. Organize photos and documents you receive into your collection. Store physical copies in a safe place, and store digital files on your computer and in a backup location.
  2. In a separate document, add descriptions for each item (catalog them).
  3. Make notes of missing information and questions you have about any items.

  1. Research: Here are some additional ideas on gathering memories.

    GC—Getting Started in Research

  2. Learn abut using ancestor diaries to further your research.

    LT— How To Accurately Use Diaries of Ancestors in Genealogy Research

  3. Sources: Learn about other sources for finding family photographs.

    AF—Unusual Sources for Finding Old Family Photos - 2017

  4. Photo Labels: Learn how to add labels to your photographs.

    TH— How to Label Your Digital Photographs - 2019

  5. Metadata: Learn how to add metadata (descriptions) to your digital photographs.

    FS—Adding Metadata to Your Digital Photos
    FS—Metadata Basics: How to Keep Your Stories Alive Digitally
