1: Gather Your Records   2: Gather Records from Others   3: Interview Relatives   4: Browse Memories   5: Prepare Uploads   6: Add and Tag Photos   7: Add Documents   8: Add Stories   9: Write a Brief Life Story   10: Add Audio Files   11: Use the Gallery   12: Solutions Gallery   FS Project 2              Show Me, Goal 6       Translation Tips    Music      Print Friendly and PDF

Project 2: Memories

Goal 6: Add and Tag Photos

Goal 6: Add and tag photos in FamilySearch Memories.

Adding photos to Memories makes them available to others, and tagging photos helps to identify photos by their content. Note: Photos can also be uploaded and tagged in the Gallery; see Goal 11 for details.


A Upload your digital photos to Memories.

Note : Before uploading photos, make sure the content fits the approved guidelines for Family Search. See Goal 5, Choice A.

  1. Click the name of the ancestor in the tree who will have a photo added.
  2. In the Summary panel that appears, click Memories.
  3. To add a new photo for the ancestor, drag and drop the photo from your device folder into the Memories window. Or,
    a) Click Add Memories;
    b) Select File; and
    c) Select "Your device" or "Your Gallery" or "Google Photos" then navigate to the photo you want and select it. The photo will appear in the Gallery for your ancestor. (A "Processing" banner may appear while the file is being uploaded.) The photo uses its file name if that boxed is checked in the dialog.
  4. To add a title for the photo, open the photo and click Add Title (above the photo to the left), type the text, and then click Save. You can also click "Public" (upper right) and select "Private" if you don't want others to see the photo.
  5. To edit a title,
    a) Click the "Edit Title" link (upper left);
    b) Type the new title; and
    c) Click Save.
  6. In the "Share what you know about this image" box (bottom of the screen), type a description for the photo and click Save. The comment is displayed as part of a list below, as well as being added to the Remembrances count (to the right of the View counter). To edit a comment, click Edit (right side), make your changes, and click Save. To delete a comment, click Delete (right side) and click Delete in the confirmation dialog.
  7. To record an audio file memory (up to five minutes) that will be attached to the photo,
    a) Click the "Record a Memory" link;
    b) Click Allow if a prompt asks about FamilySearch having access to your device's microphone;
    c) Click the blue Start icon and after the countdown, begin recording your memory; and
    d) Click Done. To play the recording, click the green Play button. To delete the audio file, click Delete (right side) and click Delete in the confirmation dialog.
  8. To scroll to other photos, click the Next or Previous arrows (top). You can use the name link (upper left) to return to the Memories screen.

  1. Here is additional information on adding photos to your Family Tree:

    FS—How do I upload photos or documents to Memories? - 2020
    FS—Why isn't my photo or document uploaded yet? - 2020

  2. Learn who can view your uploaded memories.

    FS—Who can view the items uploaded to Memories? - 2020

  3. Learn about comments for memories.

    FS—Can I leave comments about the photos, stories, documents, and audio files in memories? - 2020


B Tag the persons in each photo to identify who they are.

  1. If your photo is already open in Memories, skip to the next step; otherwise, go to the Person page for an ancestor, click the Memories tab, and then the Photos link. Then click the photo to open it. Or, you can open the photo in the Gallery. Note that untagged photos have exclamation points to remind you about tagging.
  2. Click on a person's face in the photo you want to tag.
  3. Drag and size the picture frame that appears until it surrounds the head area in the photo.
  4. Click the "Who is in this memory?" box, type the person's name and then select it from the list that appears. The name will appear in the tag list (upper right). Or, if none of the names is a match, select "Add New". In that case, the name also appears in the tag list but with an Attach to Family Tree button you can use to add the new person in Family Tree.
  5. Click Save. Now when you move the mouse over that person in the photo in Memories, the Tag appears with the person's name.
  6. To see a list of memories that have not been tagged in your Gallery, click the Arrange menu and select Not Tagged.

  1. For an overview of tagging photos, read these articles.

    RIV—Adding Photos to Family Tree (p.2-4) - 2020
    FS—How do I tag memories of my ancestors or relatives in Family Tree? - 2020


C Modify or delete tags as needed.

  1. In the tag list for an open photo (upper right), click the down arrow for ancestor whose tag will be modified. Or, hover over an existing tag, clik it, and edit it directly. Note : If someone else added the photo, you may not edit or delete the tag.
  2. To resize the tag area for a person, in the People list (upper right)
    a) Click Edit Tag;
    b) Resize as explained in Choice B; and
    c) Click Save.
    To change the name of the person associated with the tag, double-click the name and type or select a new one.
  3. To remove the tag, click Delete Tag and then click Delete.
  4. To show all items that are tagged with this person's name, click "Show All Memories Tagged with This Name".
  5. If someone else added the photo, you can click unlink the image from the selected person in Family Tree:
    a) Click Detach from Family Tree;
    b) Type a reason for detaching; and
    c) Click Detach. You can also contact the person who added the tag by clicking the "Tagged By" link.

  1. Learn about editing and deleting tags.

    FS—How do I edit or delete person tags in Memories? - 2020

  2. Fix memories that are tagged to the wrong person.

    FS—How do I correct memories and sources that are tagged to the wrong person in Family Tree? - 2020

  3. Handle tags for people with the same name.

    FS—In Memories, how do I create person tags for people with the same name? - 2020


D Add information about photos.

    Note : If you added the photo, you can edit the event place, event date, and description, as well as adding Stories. You can also edit the title (upper left). If someone else added the photo, you cannot edit the event place, date, description, or title.

  1. To add an event date,
    a) Click Add Event Date;
    b) Type the date;
    c) Select the date from the Standardized Event Date field; and
    d) Click Save. Then you can click Edit or Delete for the date if desired.
  2. To add an event place,
    a) Click Add Event Place;
    b) Type the name of the place;
    c) Select the place from the Standardized Event Place field; and
    d) Click Save. Then you can click Edit or Delete for the place if desired.
  3. To add a description,
    a) click Add Event Description;
    b) Type the description; and
    c) Click Save. Then you can click Edit or Delete for the description if desired.
  4. For information on adding photos to albums in Memories, see Goal 11 in Project 2: Memories.
  5. To add a story about the photo, click Add Story. Then a) add a title,
    b) write the story, and
    c) click Save Story.
  6. To see details about the contributor, click the "Contributed By" link.
  7. To add this photo to your favorites list in the Gallery (Goal 11), click the Bookmark icon above the photo. To share by social media, click Share and select the corresponding social media icon.
  8. To add a topic tag so you can find the photo more easily,
    a) Click Topic Tags;
    b) Type a tag name in the box (you may select it if it appears in the drop-down list); and
    c) Click Save. You can then click the link for the tag you added to see other photos in Memories that have the same tag.

  1. To learn more about using topic tags, read this article.

    FS—How do I add or remove topic tags in Memories? - 2020


E Perform a variety of actions for photos.

  1. In an open photo that you added, click Actions. The following actions are available. (If someone else added the photo, only Download and Add to Album are available.)
    • To rotate the photo left by 90 degrees, click Rotate Left.
    • To rotate the photo right by 90 degrees, click Rotate Right.
    • To download the photo to your computer or device, click Download.
    • To add the photo to an album,
      a) Click Add to Album;
      b) Select an album from the list; and
      c) Click Add to Album. For more information on using albums in Memories, see Goal 11.
    • To change the photo to a document, click Change to Document. To reverse the process,
      a) Open the person's Memories and find the photo that was changed to a document; and
      b) In the document section, open it and then change it back to a photo.
    • To move the photo to your archive folder in Memories, click Move to My Archive.
    • To delete a photo,
      a) Click Delete;
      b) Read the instructions in the dialog, and
      c) Click Delete from FamilySearch or click Move to Archive.
  2. To share a photo,
    a) Click Share (above the photo);
    b) Select Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, or Email, and
    c) Follow the instructions for sharing. You can copy the link for sharing by clicking Copy.
  3. To bookmark this photo, click Bookmark. It is added to your list of bookmarked Memories in the Gallery.
  4. To zoom the photo view, click the broken box icon to view in full-screen mode. You can then use the plus and minus icons to zoom in and out, or the target icon to recenter the image. Click the "x" to exit full-screen mode.
  5. To add a remembrance about the photo,
    a) Click the "Share what you know ..." box (bottom of the screen);
    b) Type your remembrance, and
    c) Click Save. The number of remembrances icon (middle of the screen) is increased.
    After you have saved a remembrance, you can use the links to edit or delete it.
  6. You can see the number of views for the photo, next to the remembrances.

  1. Here are tips for sharing Memories with others.

    FS—How do I share memories I find with family and friends? - 2020

  2. You can use the free Joyflips app to create video slideshows from your FamilySearch photos, as explained in this article.

    FS—Joyflips: Create Video Slideshows with Your Family and Share Memories - 2020