1: Gather Your Records   2: Gather Records from Others   3: Interview Relatives   4: Browse Memories   5: Prepare Uploads   6: Add and Tag Photos   7: Add Documents   8: Add Stories   9: Write a Brief Life Story   10: Add Audio Files   11: Use the Gallery   12: Solutions Gallery   FS Project 2                    Translation Tips    Music      Print Friendly and PDF

Project 2: Memories

Goal 5: Prepare Uploads

Goal 5: Prepare photos and documents to be uploaded to FamilySearch Memories. Vault

Getting the right photos that are in the right format will save you time and get better results.


A Determine which photos and documents are good candidates to upload, and which are not.

  1. Read the guidelines on FamilySearch Memories for the kinds of items that can be uploaded (to avoid item rejection). Guidelines are found here. Also read this article.

    FS—What rules apply to uploading memories to FamilySearch.org? - 2020

  2. Exclude any photos that do not meet the Memories guidelines.
  3. Learn about adding memories for a living person.

    FS—Can I add memories about my living relatives to Family Tree? - 2020

  4. As you see fit, exclude photos that are duplicates or near-duplicates, that are not well-taken or are damaged, etc.
  5. If photos or other upload items are copyrighted, make sure you have permission from the copyright holder to distribute them. For additional information, read this article.

    Copyright and the Old Family Photo - 2012

  6. If you need to scan photos or create digital photos to be uploaded, see Choice C in Goal 1 for instructions.


B If necessary, crop or enhance photos or documents after scanning them.

  1. Use FreeOnlinePhotoEditor to enhance or resize digital pictures in your browser; or use the free editing tool in your Mac or Windows system.
  2. Try other resources for photo editing.
  3. Learn about colorizing photos in this article from MyHeritage.

    MH—Colorize Your Black-and-White Photos Automatically - 2020.

  4. Read this blog post from Miles Meyer about options for colorizing old photos.

    Color the World—Comparing Various Colorizing Web Sites - 2019