1: Gather Your Records   2: Gather Records from Others   3: Interview Relatives   4: Browse Memories   5: Prepare Uploads   6: Add and Tag Photos   7: Add Documents   8: Add Stories   9: Write a Life Sketch   10: Add Audio Files   11: Use the Gallery   12: Solutions Gallery   FS Project 2                    Translation Tips    Music      Print Friendly and PDF

Project 2: Memories

Goal 12: Solutions Gallery

Goal 12: (Optional) Use apps from the FamilySearch Solutions Gallery to preserve your family history memories.

Apps and websites can help you gather, preserve, and share your family memories.


A Follow the links below to explore apps and websites in the FamilySearch Solutions Gallery.

  1. For items to help you work with Memories, see Photos and Stories.
  2. To use filters for the list of items, click Filters and then select a filter to restrict the number of items viewed. You can select the same item again to clear its filter.
  3. To search for an item, type its name in the Search field and press Enter. You can then click the Sort By menu to rearrange the results, or click the "Start Over" link to clsear the search results.

B Download and use the mobile apps for FamilySearch Memories.

  1. Learn about the FamilySearch Memories mobile apps in these blog posts.

    FS—How to Use FamilySearch's Mobile Apps - 2017
    Record and Save Audio Interviews: FamilySearch's Mobile App - 2016

  2. To download the app for iOS or Android, visit this page.
  3. To learn more about FamilySearch mobile apps, watch this video.

    FS—FamilySearch on the Go! - 2018