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Ancestry App

Goal 2: Edit Person Information

Goal 2: Edit person information in your Ancestry tree.

Editing facts and profile information is essential to keeping your tree up to date. You can do a Quick Edit or a Profile Edit, or you can edit facts in a Person window.


A Edit Person information and relationships.

  1. Tap a name in your tree and select Edit Person to open a summary window with birth and death details. (You can also select Edit Person from the three-dot menu of a person's Profile.)
  2. Edit any of the following items:
    • Names
    • Gender
    • Birth Date
    • Birth Place
    • Status (Deceased or Living)
    • Death Date
    • Death Place
  3. Tap Save.
  4. To learn more about editing details for ancestors, watch this video.

    AAC—Diving Into the Details About a Specific Ancestor—3:55 (account required)


B Edit Facts in a person's Profile.

  1. Open a person's Profile.
  2. In the Facts tab, tap a Fact to highlight it, and then tap Edit.
  3. Type the Fact Details as needed. You can use the calendar icon for selecting date information.
  4. Tap Save.


C Add Facts to a person's Profile.

  1. In the Facts tab for a Profile, tap the green plus icon.
  2. In the Type field, tap the down-arrow and select a Fact type.
  3. Use the calendar to select a date for the Fact.
  4. Type the location and a description for the Fact.
  5. Tap Save.

D Add or edit notes for a person.

  1. In a Profile screen, tap the Notes tab.
  2. If no notes have been added yet, tap the green plus icon to add content. Then tap the "Note" line, type the note text, and tap Save.
  3. If note content has already been added, tap the green pencil icon to edit content. Then tap the note text, make your edits, and tap Save.