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Ancestry App

Goal 6: View Ancestral Places

Goal 6: View your Ancestral Places on Ancestry maps.

Ancestral Places lets you view ancestor events where they happened, as shown on an interactive world map. Events are available up to 10 generations in the past.


A Get started with Ancestral Places.

  1. In the Home screen, tap the pin icon at the top. A world map appears, with the total number of ancestor events in colored circles.
  2. To see more colored circles, spread the view or swipe in any direction. You may also see circles that contain the initials of various ancestors who lived in the areas close by.
  3. Tap a colored circle. If it leads to more colored circles, tap another until an event window opens at the bottom of the screen. This displays the ancestor's name and one or more event summaries in the ancestor's life. To view the Facts screen for the person, tap the name; to view event details, tap the event entry. To see more entries, swipe up; to close the view, swipe down.
  4. Tap a brown circle. If all events for that circle occurred in the same city, the event window is displayed. If events for the circle are spread across multiple locations, the map zooms in to show an additional circle for each location.

B Use additional Ancestral Places features.

  1. To search for an ancestor in Ancestral Places,
    a) Tap the magnifying glass icon (upper left);
    b) Type a name to find in the list and select it, or scroll the list and select a name. The map relocates to show the events.
  2. To filter the Facts that are used in the events view,
    a) Tap the Filter icon (upper right);
    b) Select each Fact type in the list to be used for the seearch, and
    c) Tap Done. The next searches you do will use this modified events list.
  3. Note : The streets and items of interest shown in the low levels of the map reflect the current day, not previous historical locations that are different.