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Ancestry App

Goal 3: Add or Remove People

Goal 3: Add or remove people in your Ancestry tree.

As you add people to your tree, make sure you fill in essential information and connect them in the tree correctly. The Choices below assume that the Pedigree view is used.


A Add a relative for a person in your tree.

  1. Tap a person's name in the tree and select Add Relative.
  2. Select Add Father (if available), Add Mother (if available), Add Spouse, Add Sibling, Add Son, or Add Daughter.
  3. Type the name of the person to add. If it appears in the drop-down list, select it from there.
  4. Fill in the gender, birth, and death information. If this is a son or daughter, tap Next to select the mother or father (and tap Save to finish); otherwise and tap Save.
  5. To learn more about growing your Ancestry tree, watch this video.

    AAC—Growing Your Tree—1:19 (account required)

  6. To learn about the Search feature in Ancestry, watch this video.

    AAC—Searching for Historical Content—3:52 (account required)

  7. Learn how to avoid adding duplicate persons to your tree.

    AC—How to Avoid Creating Duplicates in a Tree


B Review a potential relative to be added.

If Ancestry finds a potential missing relative in your tree, a dotted-line box and green leaf are shown to indicate it.

  1. Tap the "Potential Father" or "Potential Mother" box (or other dotted-line box that indicates a potential relative). Summary information is shown about the new person, which may come from another user's tree or a record source.
  2. To see more information, tap Review Details; or to dismiss the information, tap Ignore. Or, to add your own information for this person instead of using the suggested source, copy the information on the screen and tap "Add [person] manually" and then tap Yes to dismiss the potential relative hint.
  3. After reviewing the details on the screen, tap No remove the possible relative box; or Maybe to keep the box in the tree but not add the person; or Yes to add the person to your tree. Adding the person imports any Lifestory, Facts, Sources, etc. associated with the person.

C Merge a duplicate person in your tree.

  1. Open the Profile for the person who may have a duplicate record.
  2. Tap the three-dot menu and select Merge with Duplicate.
  3. In the Person 2 list, select the name of the ancestor who may be a duplicate, or type a name at the bottom and select an entry from there. The merge process removes the Person 2 ancestor, after you have had a chance to include any or his or her information in the Person 1 record.

  4. In the Choose Details screen, review the Facts for the selected ancestor (left side) and the possible duplicate ancestor (right side). Facts on the right side that are the same as those on the left will be saved as "alternate" facts when the records are merged.
  5. If there are Facts on the right you want to keep, tap to select them; otherwise the Facts on the left side will be used.
  6. To compare all the details between Person 1 and Person 2, tap Compare all details. Farther down the screen, you can also use Compare Details–Fathers or Compare Details–Mothers. To return to the main comparison screen, click the left arrow (top of the screen).
  7. To complete the merge, tap Merge (upper right).

D Remove a person from your tree.

Note : Be sure you are removing the correct person, If not, you will need to re-enter that person's information.

  1. Open the Profile for the person to be removed.
  2. Click the three-dot menu and select Delete this person.
  3. Click Delete to remove the person from the tree.