1: Navigate Your Tree   2: Edit Person Info   3: Add or Remove People    4: Explore Hints   5: View and Add Sources   6: View Ancestral Places   7: Gallery and Media   8: Tree and Account Settings   9: DNA Matching         App    Translation Tips    Music      Print Friendly and PDF

Ancestry App

Goal 7: Add media and use the Ancestry Gallery.

Goal 7: Add media and use the Ancestry Gallery.

You can add Lifestory events, documents, and photos, and manage them in the Ancestry Gallery.


A Add and manage Lifestory events.

  1. To see LifeStory events,
    a) Open the Profile for an ancestor; and
    b) Tap the Lifestory tab (far left). Ancestry supplies a Summary entry for the ancestor, as well as vital events for the person and other family members (using a gray background). These are arranged in chronological order. Other events may be included if data was imported from a GEDCOM file.
  2. Historical Insights may be provided by Ancestry in the LifeStory tab. When you find one, you can read the Historical Insights page. To remove the insight, tap Remove Insight. Note : A dismissed Historical Insight cannot be retrieved.
  3. There may be other relatives to which a Historical Insight may be applied. You can tap Keep for any of them.
  4. To remove an insight from a person's LifeStory, open the insight and tap Remove Insight.
  5. You can also add an event. See Choice C in Goal 2 for steps on adding facts.
  6. Read these articles for more information on the LifeStory feature.

    AC—Editing or Printing a LifeStory
    Using Ancestry.com LifeStory To Share Documents In A Timeline Format


B View, edit, or delete Gallery items.

  1. In a person's Profile, the Gallery section appears below the Search button. Photos, stories, and documents that have been added to the Gallery appear here.
  2. To view an item, tap its picture.
  3. To share an item, tap Share (upper right left), select a "Share via" method, and follow the prompts.
  4. To see details for an item, tap the Info icon (lower right). You may need to scroll down to see the entire list.
  5. To edit details for a photo, tap Edit. You can update the following details:
    • Tag a person—To tag a person for this item,
      a) Tap the "Tag people" link;
      b) Tap a rectangle that corresponds to a person;
      c) Tap the "Suggested" entry to tag that person, or use the Search tool to find and select a person to tag; and
      d) Tap Done. The person now has a name link instead of the taqgging rectangle. To remove the link, tap the three-dot icon for :In this image" and select Remove Tag.
    • Title
    • Date—Tap the "x" if you want to remove the date.
    • Location—Tap the "x" if you want to remove the location.
    • Description
    • Category—Tap the down-arrow to select a Category for the item.
  6. To use this photo as the primary one for the ancestor, tap the check box.
  7. To save your changes, tap Save (upper right).
  8. To remove a Gallery item,
    a) Open the Gallery tab;
    b) Find the item you want to remove and tap its three-dot menu (lower right of the item); and
    c) Select Remove from Gallery (or Delete from Tree) and then tap OK.

C Add a Gallery item.

  1. In the Gallery tab, tap the green plus icon.
  2. If you want to take a photo, tap Take Photo. If a prompt appears that asks about Ancestry accessing files on your device, tap Allow. Take the picture, and then tap the check mark to approve (or the trash icon to take a different photo). Then skip ahead to the "Add Media" step below.
  3. To upload a photo or document from your device,
    a) Tap the green plus icon;
    b) Tap Upload from Device;
    c) Navigate to the photo you want, and open it; and
    d) Tap Save (upper right)..
  4. Add Media" Update the following fields if desired:
    • Title
    • Date—Tap the "x" if you want to remove the date.
    • Location—Tap the "x" if you want to remove the location. The location is automatically filled in if you took a photo.
    • Description
    • Category—Tap the down-arrow to select a Category for the item.
    • Document details/transcription
    • Linked to
    • Tag a person—To tag a person for this item,
      a) Tap the "Tag a person" link; and
      b) Type and select the person in your tree. The person now appears in the "Linked to: section. To remove the link, tap the minus icon.
  5. To save your changes, tap Save (upper right).
  6. To learn more about adding media, watch this video after the 6:15 timing.

    AAC—Adding Records, Photos, and Stories to Your Family Tree—7:34 (account required)

  7. To learn about adding media with the Shoebox app, watch this video.

    AAC—Adding Media to Your Family Tree—3:24 (account required)


D Update an ancestor's profile photo.

  1. In the person's Profile, tap the picture (or icon) at the top.
  2. If the picture you want is shown in the screen, tap it. Or, to add a new picture, tap the green plus icon and follow the steps in Choice C for adding a media item.
  3. To see additional options, tap the picture you added. You can
    • View Profile Image
    • Resize Profile Image—Swipe the image to relocate it under the rectangle on the screen; then tap Done (upper right).
    • Change Profile Image—Tap the image you want in the Choose Image screen.
    • Remove as Profile Image—(There is no confirmation prompt.)

  4. Exercises