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Ancestry App

Goal 4: Explore Hints

Goal 4: Explore hints for people in your tree.

Hints are pieces of information about records, photos, stories, etc. for persons in your tree.


A Find and view hints for individuals in your tree.

  1. In the Tree view, find a person with a green leaf next to the name and open his or her Profile.
  2. Tap the Hints bar (below the portrait). The number of new hints is displayed in the bar. You can also find people with Hints using the Search feature (see Choice C in Goal 1 for details), or by scrolling to the bottom of the Profile screen and tapping the green leaf that appears at the top of the screen.

  3. In the list, tap a title in a bar to display Record Details for the hint; or tap a photo or document to display it. Record Details may include any of the following:
    • Record image—Tap the expand button to open an image window, where you can spread and swipe to see details. To see a detail summary, tap the "Details" link (lower right). To share the image,
      a) Tap the Share icon (lower left); and
      b) Select a share type (email, Facebook, etc.) and follow the prompts.
    • This Record and Your Tree—This contains a brief comparison summary of the information.
    • Family information—New family members or those with additional information may be documented in the hint; if so, they are displayed in the family section. To see more information about a family member, tap the down-arrow next to the person's name. Note : If you accept the hint (see Choice B below), any new people from the hint will be added to your tree, and additional information will be included for the ancestor if applicable.
    • Source information (bar with a record title)—A brief description of the source for the hint is displayed. You can tap an entry to see more details.
  4. For photos, there is an "enlarge" icon you can tap to zoom in on the image. There is also a "Photo was added by" entry with a link to the submitter's contact info on Ancestry. You can tap the link to see submitter info and to send the person a message on Ancestry.
  5. To share the Record Details,
    a) Tap the Share icon (upper right);
    b) Select a share type (email, Facebook, etc.) and follow the prompts.
  6. To learn more about working with Ancestry hints, watch this video.

    AAC—Taking Advantage of Ancestry Hints—4:38 (account required)


B Choose an action for a hint and view hint results.

  1. At the bottom of the Record Details screen, tap No to dismiss the hint, or Maybe to mark the hint as Undecided on your part, or Yes to accept the hint and its corresponding information. If you tap Yes, in the Add Record screen you can select which information items from the record to include in your tree; and then tap Save.
  2. To see totals for hint decisions for this person, tap the down-arrow (top of screen). The number of New Hints, Undecided Hints, Ignored Hints, and Accepted Hints are shown in a drop-down list.
  3. Below the record details, there also may be a contact link for the person who submitted the item. You can tap the link to see profile information for that person, and to send a message.