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Ancestry App

Goal 5: Add and View Sources

Goal 5: View and add sources for ancestor records.

Adding sources to a person's page helps show the evidence for the dates and other information that have been added.


A View or remove sources for a person.

  1. Open a Profile for someone in your tree.
  2. Tap the Sources tab and select a source in the list. Summary information appears for the record source.
  3. Tap View to see the record details. The record may be a photo, document, or indexed record.
  4. For indexed records, the information appears in two columns: This Record (left column) and Your Tree (right column). To see summary details for family members, scroll down to the family section and tap any family member's name.
  5. To share the source on social media, tap Share (upper right) and follow the prompts.
  6. To detach a source record from the person, tap the three-dot icon for the entry and select Remove Source from Person. Note : This does not delete the source record itself.
  7. To learn more about viewing and attaching records for an ancestor, watch this video (beginning to 6:15).

    AAC—Adding Records, Photos, and Stories to Your Family Tree—7:34 (account required)


B Add a source for a person.

  1. Tap the Search icon. There is one beneath the Profile name, and one at the bottom of the screen. A list of available source records is returned.
  2. Tap a record source that looks interesting.
  3. To share the hint on social media, click the Share icon (lower left) and select a "Share via" option. Then follow the steps in the dialogs to share the source record.

  4. Read the information in "This Record" and "Your Tree" carefully. If this record is a match for the person in your tree, tap Yes (bottom of the screen) to attach the record; if it is not a match, tap No. If you are not sure, tap Maybe to defer the matching decision to later.
  5. If you selected Yes, compare the two columns on the Add Record screen: This Record and Your Tree. By default, information from your tree is selected. To switch to information from the source record, select the fields you want in the left column. If new information is available in the record, it is indicated below the New button. To exclude that information, clear the checkmark next to the information. Or, you can tap a pencil icon to edit a fact in your tree.
  6. Tap Save. You can click View Profile to return to the person's Profile page, or continue selecting more record sources in the list.
  7. To detach a source record from the person, tap the three-dot icon inside the gray box for the entry and select Remove Source from Person. Note: This does not delete the source record itself.

C Use filters and ranges to limit the types of records returned in a search.

  1. Open a list of sources, as explained in Choice B above.
  2. Tap the Filters icon (upper right).
  3. If you want to learn more about how filters work, tap the Info button and read the brief articles included.
  4. To limit by record category,
    a) Tap All Categories (the number of records is displayed to the right of each category);
    b) Tap a category of interest;
    c) In the sub-category list, tap the entry for filtering (you can select only one filter at a time), and
    d) To save the filter, tap the back arrow (upper left), or to clear the filter, tap All Categories.
  5. To set a range for the record search, choose a field on the screen and move its slider button. This will set the search range from "Broad" (could return a wide variety of results) to exact (only exact matches returned) with several intermediate values, such as similar-sounding, plus or minus 10 years for dates, etc. Each field has its own criteria for search ranges. If no ranges are changed, the default settings are used.
  6. Tap Done icon (upper right). Records are now returned using the filters and ranges you specified.


D Track and resolve conflicting information in genealogy lines.

  1. Document parentage accurately, as explained in this Ancestry video.

    AC—Documenting Parentage—31:30 - 2016

  2. Use discrepancy charts to track the differences in varying versions of an ancestor's line.

    GC—Organize the Inconclusive

  3. Learn more about how to resolve conflicting evidence.

    AC—Resolving Conflicting Evidence—37:24 - 2014

    LDS—Dealing with Contradictory Evidence
  4. Use this six-step process for handling conflicting evidence.

    AR—How To Handle Conflicting Evidence: A Six-Step Program - 2013

  5. Explore Lesson 17 on the Evidence Explained website by Elizabeth Shown Mills.